Blog | Security Guard Management System | GuardsPro2024-07-02T12:49:15+00:00

Regain Control with Security Patrol System: The Two Best Overtime Reduction Tricks

In times of need to meet the demands, overtime can be a cost-effective way to flex your workforce and increase the capacity. Unplanned overtime, on the contrary, can turn into an ineffective and expensive way to fix problems. If further left undiscovered and unchecked by the security guard company, it can result in reducing active guard patrol system competitiveness. Therefore, trying to eliminate it altogether may seem like an unrealistic dream. But, finding ways to reduce it and the expenses [...]

Why It’s Time To Automate Your Payroll Process Using Guardso Payroll?

Managing payroll using an online system like that of Guardso guard tour system has numerous advantages. Security guard companies are beginning to understand how automating this process is far more efficient and less time consuming than anything can ever be. So, if you are looking for reasons why you need to automate this process using Guardso payroll or Guardso payroll integration to mitigate the chaos of payroll, you’ve landed on the right page. So, without further ado, let's take a [...]

Why Your Security Guard Must Know Every De-Escalation Technique?

One type of security guard training that is often ignored is conflict resolutions. That’s because many security guard management companies do not realize the tremendous difference de-escalation training makes in the workplace. Below, we will look at the benefits that such training has for customers, security guard management companies, and the general public. Also, what makes de-escalation training a must-have conflict resolutions package for every security guard. Why Your Security Guard Must Know All De-Escalation Techniques? 1. Improve Workplace Safety [...]

Marketing Strategies For Private Guard Companies With Best ROI

Are you looking for the best marketing strategies with good ROI to jump start your private guard company? If yes, hold on tight because you are going to discover the best strategies private patrol companies use to thrive. Often due to lack of knowledge and awareness, potential private guard companies have to face numerous problems. Well, not after you’ve gone through this article curated just for you to sell security guard services with confidence. 1. Paid Advertising Google Analytics plays [...]

Using Accountability Of Security Guards System To Thrive Your Business

Accountability in today’s workplace regardless of organization or industry is critical to the success of all its employees, and the business itself. And without a powerful security guards system for a security guard company to rely on, it’s tough for any client to trust the security guard services being provided. And, then why should they? Often, due to lack of accountability, the workplace environment falls apart, morale disintegrates, standards crumble, and trust dies. Would you want to send a message [...]

The New Guardso 6.5 Has Arrived!

Not so long ago we released a major Guardso 6.0 update with exciting new features, and here we are today proudly introducing Guardso 6.5. This update is all set to ensure that it makes your security operations smoother, security guards more productive, and clients a lot happier. That’s the dream, isn’t it? So, let’s take a look at what Guardso 6.5 has to offer! Major Updates: 1. Detailed System Log Not being able to track who added or deleted what [...]

By |May 27, 2019|Categories: GuardsPro Updates|Tags: , , |2 Comments

5 Key Management Skills To Build A Successful Private Patrol Company

A manager irrespective of the size, type, and the industry of the company has a vital role to play. Though often employees are considered the reason behind the success of the company and they sure do are but managers, they are the driving force. They are the ones your employees are always going to look up to. Which is why ensuring they have the right management skills to run your private patrol company becomes critical. So, here’s a list of [...]

Avoid Micromanaging Guards On-Site Using Guard Tour Management System

Contrary to the word, micromanaging is a big issue that not only kills team spirit but suppresses initiative among security team members. This issue amplifies when the security manager has to manage guards performing on remote sites. Instating a guard tour management system can solve the issue and make sure the practice does not damage the essence and effectiveness of security guard management. Signs of Micromanagement In general, micromanagers tend to: Resist delegating and withdraw delegation before it is finished [...]

5 Skills That’ll Give You A Competitive Edge Over Other Patrolling Guards

In today’s world, where competition is growing day by day, how do you plan to gain a competitive advantage over other patrolling guards? How do you plan to stand out when everyone is aware of the qualities of effective patrolling guards? Not so sure, are you? Well, to begin with, you can start acquiring skills that others won’t bother to. For you, we’ve jotted down the top 5 skills that will help you go a long way. Let’s take a [...]

Top Features To Look For When Investing In A Real Time Guard Tour System

“If time is money, then efficiency is profit” As a competitive security guard company, you understand that the secret of making a profit is providing the best services to your customers and doing it in the most efficient and smart manner. Relying on paper reports to manage valuable information is definitely neither smart nor efficient. A real-time guard tour system is the best bet. Why? Because it is the faster, easier and more secure way of managing information and that [...]

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