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10 Ways For Security Guard Companies To Identify Customer Needs

For any business to survive, it needs customers. They are the foundation of any business's success. To retain them and gain more clients over time requires identifying and meeting their needs. Despite this indisputable fact, some security guard companies try to manage without paying much attention to it. Because they are so focused on their own ideas and assumptions rather than what their customers need, they don’t last very long. To ensure you don’t make the same mistake, just for you, we’ve jotted down a few ways to identify customer [...]

By |2021-11-25T05:45:31+00:00November 20, 2021|Latest Articles, Sales & Marketing|

What Makes GuardsPro Client Web Portal Perfect?

Client web portal for long has changed the way businesses served their clients while increasing productivity for their teams. Today, the security guard industry too is benefiting from this piece of essential technology to increase client satisfaction and improve communication. GuardsPro Client Web Portal is one such web portal available 24/7 and built with the promise to deliver more than automating the process of sharing guard tour reports with the clients in real-time. Using the GuardsPro Client Web Portal, the clients can view the security guards scheduled on their post [...]

By |2021-11-11T08:21:36+00:00November 11, 2021|Guard Tour Features, Latest Articles|

Challenges Security Guard Companies Face While Managing Guards

Managing the security of one location is challenging for security managers of a lot of security guard companies. Leave alone managing multiple locations at once. Security managers of reliable security guard companies, in addition to that, are also responsible for assessing security risks and developing custom programs to mitigate security threats. What makes their job even more challenging while performing their day-to-day operations is managing security guards. Fortunately, managing multiple locations along with security guards assigned to them has been made significantly easier with technology such as the GuardsPro security guard management [...]

By |2021-11-01T05:18:12+00:00October 30, 2021|Best Articles, Guard Management System, Latest Articles|

Tips & Tricks To Train Your Security Workforce For New Technology

Technology today is playing a huge role in the security guard industry more than ever before. COVID-19 pandemic is the sole reason behind it. Due to it, a lot of security guard companies have embraced new technologies to help improve productivity. If you find yourself in that situation today and realize that your security workforce trained on the traditional systems might struggle to keep up or even resist using the new technology, we have good news for you. Getting your security guards used to new software you wish to introduce [...]

By |2022-01-24T12:28:23+00:00October 23, 2021|Latest Articles, Security Guard Training|

8 Signs It’s Time To Let Security Patrol Guards Go

No security guard manager likes to see their security patrol guards fail on the job. From the moment the new recruits are assigned to them, their goal is to set up each one of them for success. It takes a tremendous amount of time, energy, and expense to bring newly hired security patrol guards into the security guard company and ramp them up to their full potential. Yet we all know there are situations that, for whatever reason, security patrol guards struggle on their job and there isn’t much that [...]

By |2022-01-24T12:29:46+00:00October 15, 2021|Latest Articles|

Introducing GuardsPro 7.0

We are thrilled to announce that we have released GuardsPro 7.0. This new update is packed with brand new features and improvements which we have been working on for the past one year. We believe that security guard companies of all sizes will benefit from this new release with improved operations and efficiency while managing private patrol operations. Here are some of the highlights of GuardsPro 7.0. From Guardso To GuardsPro  While we were busy improving our system and building new features for the next update, we also went to [...]

By |2021-10-12T07:11:30+00:00September 28, 2021|GuardsPro Updates, Latest Articles|

10 Legit Reasons Why Good Security Guards Quit

Good security guards are the most valuable internal asset that a security guard company can have. After all, it’s them who drive the company to fulfill its ultimate goals of delivering the highest quality security guard services to its clients. Hence, it is in the best interest of the security guard company to retain their good security guards and recognize the signs and causes of a guard that is poised to depart. The reasons why good security guards may leave a security guard company include: Extremely Poor Management Often it [...]

By |2021-08-27T06:03:19+00:00August 27, 2021|Guard Safety And Wellbeing, Latest Articles|

How To Cultivate Healthy Competition Among Security Guard Teams?

Encouraging competition among security guard teams on one hand can be motivating for them to perform at the best abilities, boosting productivity. On the other hand, it can also lead to bitterness or rivalries among team members, giving rise to discouragement. Cultivating competitions among security guard teams is, therefore, considered a high-risk strategy but also essential. If you want to implement this strategy effectively in your security guard company to reap maximum benefits, here are a few ways, tried and tested, to cultivate healthy competition for you to strike the [...]

By |2021-08-27T05:26:00+00:00August 22, 2021|Latest Articles, Security Guard Management|

Ways Event Security Guards Can Prevent the Spread of Covid-19

In order to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in their countries, governments worldwide took various strict measures. These include social distancing measures, lockdowns, and stay-at-home orders. This resulted in the banning of all kinds of public events and gatherings. In recent times, the availability of vaccines and the reduced number of active cases have allowed governments to lift these restrictions. So, now certain events can take place. However, it is still necessary to make sure the event is controlled and supervised very professionally. That is where event security [...]

By |2021-08-19T04:54:56+00:00August 19, 2021|Guard Safety And Wellbeing, Latest Articles|

Effective Ways For Security Guards To Hone Problem-Solving Skills

A lot of companies today rely on their employees to handle unexpected challenges, identify persistent issues, and positively offer workable solutions. Security guards companies fit into the category of those companies perfectly. How? The job of security guards is such that it essentially boils down to identifying and solving problems constantly and effectively.  While every security guard is tasked with some form of problem-solving in the workplace, the truth is not all of them are good at it. But that doesn’t mean you can’t work on it. This is a [...]

By |2021-08-15T17:57:01+00:00August 13, 2021|Latest Articles, Security Guard Training|

The Role of Security Guards During Fire

Fire watch security guards have many responsibilities and roles to fulfill. Security guard companies train security guards to protect property as well as lives from natural and human events. Fire watch security guards are often the people at the scene of the fire. Their role is to prevent damage to life and property. Here are a few of the most important roles that security guards play to prevent and control fire.  Prevention Preventing fire is one of the most important duties of security guards. Security guards patrol and maintain their [...]

By |2021-08-02T17:08:41+00:00August 2, 2021|Latest Articles|

Noteworthy Benefits Of Guardso Time Clock

A lot of security guards companies still aren’t aware of how a modern time clock system can make their security guards lives easier. How a time clock can make it simple for their security guard teams to clock in and out, eliminating the need for them to manually record their hours or use a cumbersome time punch machine. Guardso time clock is once such an advanced web-based time and attendance tracking and reporting system that allows you to actively take charge. But wait, there’s more to it! More benefits [...]

By |2021-08-27T05:22:57+00:00July 30, 2021|Guard Tour Features, Latest Articles|
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