security guard

GPS Tour Monitoring System: Why Your Guard Tour App Should Have One?

If you aim to provide better security services to your customers and ease the way you manage your security operations, installing a security patrol solution is not enough. Your security guard patrol app should be equipped with GPS Tour Monitoring System. This additional feature can do wonders to enhance reliability, increase efficiency, and improve safety level as a whole. A GPS Tour System allows you to manage security guards at the remote site to ensure they are following patrol schedules and are safe. In case you are looking to install [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:27:45+00:00June 26, 2019|Guard Tour Features|

Why Your Security Guard Must Know Every De-Escalation Technique?

One type of security guard training that is often ignored is conflict resolutions. That’s because many security guard management companies do not realize the tremendous difference de-escalation training makes in the workplace. Below, we will look at the benefits that such training has for customers, security guard management companies, and the general public. Also, what makes de-escalation training a must-have conflict resolutions package for every security guard. Why Your Security Guard Must Know All De-Escalation Techniques? 1. Improve Workplace Safety In the past, we have witnessed how tensions in the [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:30:07+00:00June 4, 2019|Security Guard Training|

Areas You Ought To Cover During Security Guard Training

As the competition grows serious, every security company is pushing its limits to provide the best security guard services. Among all other factors, one element that remains overlooked is adequate security guard training. This is one of the easiest and effectual methods to optimize your security operations. The services provided by a trained security guard could mean the difference between generating more business based on uber class performance or bruising your reputation. For starters, go through the list of things your guards should be trained in: 1. Using The Security [...]

By |2023-03-09T15:55:22+00:00April 16, 2019|Security Guard Training|

The Importance Of Staying Hydrated Every Guard On Patrol Should Know

Water is one of the most essential substances on planet earth that covers about 71 percent of its surface. As for the human beings, it accounts for 60 percent of our body and is of utmost importance to every cell. Therefore, each day humans are required to consume a certain amount of water to survive. But do you? After all, the job of every guard on patrol is such that it requires moving around a lot. This increases the need to stay hydrated all the time. But, ever wondered why? [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:24:34+00:00August 7, 2018|Guard Safety And Wellbeing|

Yes, Guardso 3.0 Was Good But Guardso 4.0 Will Be Even Better.

At Guardso we believe that life is all about growing and improving things for the better. We released Guardso 3.0 back in April and now we are working on Guardso 4.0 to surpass our own set standards by making Guardso even better because there is always room for improvement. We appreciate and take note of the feedback and suggestions you send in through emails, intercom, and user feedback. After careful consideration of what our users expect from Guardso, we decided to include more functional features in the next version. What [...]

By |2020-04-14T08:51:04+00:00June 11, 2018|GuardsPro Updates|

Guardso 3.0 Update Will Change Your Security Patrol Operations: Here Is What’s New

We never neglect an opportunity for improvement and so here we are with Guardso 3.0. The best security guard management system is now even better, with more powerful features added. Our team has taken in every suggestion and feedback we received from users worldwide via calls, emails, and intercom inquiries and succeeded in creating the No.1 guard tour system. Let us walk you through about the improvements that will help you manage your security patrol operations more efficiently: Time Clock: The new update integrates security guard time clock with the [...]

By |2020-04-14T08:53:52+00:00April 4, 2018|GuardsPro Updates|

Things Your Competitors Can Teach You About Client Retention Strategies (Part:1/2)

The level of competition is at an all-time high. As important it is to gain new clients, it is equally crucial to creating client retention strategies to be able to conquer and win over the market in the long run. Instating a real-time guard tour system will bring efficiency and effectiveness to your security company management. This will serve as a foundation for your strategies for gaining and retaining customers. Well, it is sort of impossible to talk about it all in a single post if we are to understand [...]

By |2018-04-13T11:04:17+00:00February 26, 2018|Sales & Marketing|

GPS Tour Monitoring System: Why Do You Need One?

If you aim to provide better services to your customers and ease the way you manage your security operations, installing a security patrol solution is not enough. Your security guard patrol app should be equipped with GPS Tour Monitoring System. This additional feature can do wonders to enhance reliability, increase efficiency and improve safety level as a whole. A GPS Tour System allows you to manage security guards at the remote site to ensure they are following patrol schedules and are safe. In case you are looking to install a [...]

By |2018-05-17T17:11:42+00:00February 14, 2018|Guard Tour Features|

Top 10 Areas That Require Security Guard Training

As the competition grows serious, every security company is pushing its limits to provide the best security services. Among all other factors, one element that remains overlooked is adequate security guard training. This is one of the easiest and effectual methods to optimise your security operations. The services provided by a trained guard could mean the difference between generating more business based on uber class performance or bruising your reputation. For starters, go through the list of things your guards should be trained in: Making Use Of The Security Patrol [...]

By |2018-04-13T11:06:59+00:00February 6, 2018|Security Guard Training|

5 Reasons Why You Need Security Guard Time Clock

The trick of getting the work done is to make it as simple as possible. If your security guard has to carry multiple devices to the site for attendance, time clock, GPS, schedules differently, it is cumbersome for him and you too have to chase down employee time sheets every week and then spend more time checking their accuracy. The simpler way is to pick up a guard management system with integrated security guard time clock. Because the guards work at sites, there is no actual way of keeping a [...]

By |2018-04-13T11:13:47+00:00February 5, 2018|Guard Tour Features|

Top Features To Look For When Investing In A Real Time Guard Tour System

As a competitive security guard company, you understand that the secret of making a profit is providing the best services to your customers and doing it in the most efficient and smart manner. Relying on paper reports to manage valuable information is definitely neither smart nor efficient. A real-time guard tour system is the best bet. Why? Because it is the faster, easier and more secure way of managing information and that too in real-time. To help you invest, here is a list of features you should look out for [...]

By |2018-04-13T11:16:18+00:00February 1, 2018|Guard Tour Features|

How To Cut Down Management Hassles Using A Patrol Guard Tour System

Being a manager does not mean toiling to keep the operations working seamlessly. A smart manager is one who knows what tools to employ and how to put them to use, to achieve your goals in the most effective and efficient manner. As a security patrol manager, security patrol solution is what you need. Guardso ensures that you manage your responsibilities without breaking a sweat. Let's get into the details of what a patrol guard tour system can do for you: Easy Scheduling And Allocation Of Site Posts : Allocation [...]

By |2018-04-13T11:20:20+00:00February 1, 2018|Security Guard Management|
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