Blog | Security Guard Management System | GuardsPro2024-07-02T12:49:15+00:00

A Quick Guide For Obtaining A Guard Card

You are interested in pursuing the in-demand career of a security guard, aren’t you? Then you’ll be thrilled to know that this industry that has been growing exponentially and therefore has numerous job opportunities to offer. And even better, it does not take very long & does not require a college degree to get started. All it needs is you to obtain a guard card to start working immediately. But, then there’s a catch! Every state in the US has [...]

By |November 9, 2018|Categories: Security Guard Training|Tags: , , |3 Comments

How To Grow Your Private Patrol Business?

Growing your private patrol business will be one of the toughest challenges that you will face. But, it will be worth putting all your efforts to ensure the survival and economic well-being of the business. If you’re wondering what possibly can you do to make that happen, you can begin with identifying new customers & opportunities and so much more. So, get ready to know it all. To grow your private patrol business like never before. Identify New Opportunities The [...]

Top Communication Tips To Increase Productivity Of Your Security Guard

Effective internal communication is one of the most vital aspects of a security patrol company for enhanced productivity. But, it is also among one of the greatest challenges a security patrol company can face. Isn’t that true? And that too all because of the way we once used to communicate has drastically changed. But, is that the only challenge a security patrol company faces? Well, certainly not! There are various others influencing internal communication which in turn impact the overall [...]

Got Tablets? Bring Them On!! Guardso Mobile Patrol App Supports All iOS And Android Tablets

Today, we are thrilled to announce Guardso 4.0’s mobile patrol app for all iOS and Android tablets. For long we have only offered our award-winning guard tour mobile patrol app for iOS & Android mobile users. But, today we proudly take a step forward to enhance your experience, improve your productivity, and address accountability with our mobile patrol app perfectly optimized for both iOS and Android tablets with rich features. So, if you’ve got tablets, bring them on! Take advantage [...]

By |October 30, 2018|Categories: GuardsPro Updates|Tags: , |2 Comments

How To Regain Customer Trust To Revive Your Private Patrol Business?

Loyal customers are the reasons why businesses thrive. Losing them can turn into a costly affair. But, keeping them is also not an easy task. It requires consistently meeting and exceeding customer expectations. But, in a private patrol business, what’s even tougher is regaining the trust of a loyal customer. Don’t let the situation get to that point where you have to find ways to make it alright. Initially work to reduce as well as eliminate dissatisfaction among your customers. [...]

By |October 27, 2018|Categories: Customer Service|Tags: , , |3 Comments

Real-Time Dispatch Software Trends To Be Aware Of

A real-time dispatch software has a vital role to play in the success of a security guard company. In fact, if a little thought is put into it, you’ll realize, a security guard company cannot be said to be fully functional without it, to provide the kind of security everyone deserves. Therefore, choosing the right real-time dispatch software that stands up to the high standards of the security industry becomes essential. To ensure that, one should be first of all [...]

Tips & Tricks For A Patrol Guard To Survive Long Working Hours

Did you know, working long hours can be bad for both your health and your productivity? A lot of people are aware of it and in spite of that, they continue to work for long hours. But, in some professions, it’s not an option. One among them is the job of a patrol guard which demands a lot of efforts and consumes a lot of time. Getting rid of it may not be possible for a patrol guard, but dealing [...]

Top 3 Benefits Of Taking Online Security Guard Training Classes

For long, traditional security guard training classes were the only option available for training. But, in today’s technologically advanced era, that’s not the case anymore. People yearn to have access to everything at the end of their fingertips as per their convenience. It’s the reason why reputed institutions have begun offering online security guard training classes to suit the needs of aspiring security guards. However, if you’re among those torn between the desire to take traditional or online classes, take [...]

How To Market Your Security Patrol Business On Social Media?

Have you ever been under the impression that social media marketing is one of the easiest ways to promote your security patrol business? That it only takes a few blog posts, random status updates, and a large number of following to instantly grow your security patrol business? If yes, well, the truth in that case is, it takes real planning, dedication, and time to harness the power of social media. In order to do that, you’ll have to begin with [...]

By |October 15, 2018|Categories: Sales & Marketing|3 Comments

How To Start Managing Your Guards Using Guardso Guard Management Software?

Hiring a professional security guard is not an easy process for any security guard company. Several factors are involved in hiring the best people for the job which require thorough consideration. But, it’s the Guardso security guard management software that ultimately ensures every basic detail of the guard hired can be added under his or her profile to eliminate all sorts of paperwork. To do so, it requires a few clicks and even fewer steps in Guardso guard management software [...]

By |October 12, 2018|Categories: Guard Tour Features|3 Comments

Download the GuardsPro
for your Guards

Available on both iOS & Android, download GuardsPro mobile app for your
guards, to start streamlining your security operations like never before.
Download, register and get started within 5 minutes.



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