GuardsPro guard tour system

How To Know If Your Guard Management System Is Up To Par With Your Security Needs?

Technological advancements are rapidly progressing in this ever-evolving digital realm. But unfortunately, this evolution hasn’t skipped the dangers that lurk in the shadows, which indicates that threats are constantly evolving as well. As criminals get innovative with their tactics to breach security, employing an efficient guard management system becomes an essential part of safeguarding the premises of any organization. The strength of your defense needs to surpass the potential threats to ensure complete protection of your site. If including a guard management system in your security operations could ensure absolute [...]

By |2024-01-16T05:11:26+00:00January 16, 2024|Guard Management System, Latest Articles|

Explore The New GuardsPro Mobile App Update 7.1.6!

We're excited to announce that GuardsPro Mobile App Update 7.1.6 is now available, and it's set to transform the way you manage security. This update brings an array of improvements, new features, and an enhanced user experience for both Android and IOS users. Let's delve into the details: New Features Geofence Clock In Guards will now be prompted to clock in when they enter a geofence. A convenient popup will ask, "You have entered 'post site name'; would you like to clock in?" with options for yes or no. If [...]

By |2023-10-05T11:36:48+00:00October 5, 2023|GuardsPro Updates, Latest Articles|

Why Does Your Security Company Need Guard Management Software?

In the fast-paced world of security management, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. Traditional methods of guard management simply can't keep up with the demands of modern security challenges. This is where the power of technology comes into play, and the Guard Management Software by GuardsPro emerges as the game-changer your security company needs. Seamless Coordination Coordinating security operations across multiple sites is a challenge. A guard management software acts as a unified hub, streamlining communication, task assignment, and reporting. Whether it's updating post orders or disseminating crucial information, [...]

By |2023-09-24T03:16:23+00:00September 24, 2023|Guard Management Software, Latest Articles|

GuardsPro Update 8.0.6 – A Major Leap Forward In Security Management

Welcome to GuardsPro, your ultimate solution for efficient security management. We are excited to announce the latest update to GuardsPro Back Office Dashboard, version 8.0.6! With this release, we bring you a range of enhancements, several new functionalities, and new features that will revolutionize your security management experience. Let's dive into the key highlights of this release: Back-Office Dashboard Updates Subscription Plan Changes: More Options for You We believe in providing flexibility in subscription plans to meet your unique requirements. With the latest update, GuardsPro now offers Monthly and Yearly [...]

By |2023-09-13T10:38:16+00:00September 13, 2023|GuardsPro Updates, Latest Articles|

GuardsPro Back-Office Dashboard 8.0.6 Update Release Coming Soon!

We're excited to announce the upcoming release of GuardsPro Back-Office Dashboard 8.0.6, packed with new features and improvements to enhance your security management experience. In this release, we've focused on optimizing the design, refining the flow, updating existing features, and introducing new functionalities that will make your daily operations even smoother. Let's dive into the details: GuardsPro Back-Office Dashboard Updates Subscription Plan Updated We're pleased to introduce new subscription plan options. Users can now choose between Monthly and Yearly plans with 30% off in the latter, allowing for greater flexibility [...]

By |2023-09-11T12:05:25+00:00September 9, 2023|GuardsPro Updates, Latest Articles|

Why Quality Internal Communication Is Critical For Security Guard Companies?

Effective communication is the backbone of any organization, and security guard companies are no exception. In a security guard company, it is imperative to have quality internal communication to ensure that all stakeholders, including management, security guards, and clients, are on the same page. Failure to maintain quality internal communication can result in confusion, mistakes, and even security breaches.  So, in this article, we'll explore why quality internal communication is essential for a security guard company. Ensure Safety and Security The primary responsibility of a security guard company is to [...]

The Benefits of Implementing a Parking Management System

In today's fast-paced world, time is of the essence. People don't want to spend more time than necessary looking for parking spots or worrying about whether their car is safe. That's where a parking management system comes in. With the help of a reliable parking management system, your security guard company can help businesses and organizations of all sizes optimize their parking operations, reduce traffic congestion, and improve customer satisfaction.  In this article, we'll explore the advantages of a parking management system. Improved Parking Space Utilization One of the biggest [...]

By |2023-04-30T05:53:32+00:00April 28, 2023|Guard Tour Features, Security Guard Management|

GuardsPro Guard Tour System Updates 2022 In Review

Throughout the year, we at GuardsPro launched new ways to let you start operating your security guard company by streamlining your security guard operations. And as GuardsPro guard tour system scaled and evolved to help you stay more connected while sharing data across multiple channels seamlessly in real-time, so did our community.  With robust new modules, enhanced new features, and various improvements to automation, you now have even more opportunities. Sign up for a 30-day free trial if you already don’t have an account to experience it by trying it [...]

By |2023-01-09T04:57:02+00:00January 5, 2023|Industry Trends, Latest Articles|

How To Help Guards Maintain Better Work-Life Balance Using GuardsPro Scheduler?

Work plays a vital role in everybody’s life and there is no doubt about it. But, how it is balanced with personal life is of greater importance. Won’t you agree with us on that? This is why today we’d like to talk to you about how GuardsPro scheduler combined with the GuardsPro mobile app for security guards is designed to ensure they can maintain a better work-life balance. Pick And Choose Open Shifts An open shift is one of the greatest features of GuardsPro scheduler which is to reduce understaffed [...]

By |2022-10-19T04:56:36+00:00October 18, 2022|Best Articles, Guard Tour Features, Latest Articles|
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