Guard Tour Features

Guard Tour Reporting Software: What Is Watch Mode Log And How To Put It To Best Use?

We’ve all heard, how it’s the little drops that make the mighty ocean. Guardso, the modern guard patrol tour system similarly is made of a number of features. Modules that have been efficiently consolidated into one easy to use platform to make the life of every person involved much simpler. One such important aspect of the guard patrol tour system no guard can do their job without, is guard tour reporting software. So, today we are going to concentrate on watch mode feature incorporated under it and clear all your [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:02:18+00:00September 28, 2018|Guard Tour Features|

Reasons Why Your Guard Tour Management System Should Have Open Shift Feature

In comparison to the ways security guards were once scheduled, we all have come a long way, haven’t we? No longer do the security guard companies irrespective of their sizes need to manually get this task done using a number of employees. Today, on the contrary, guard tour management system is equipped with powerful scheduling module that can be operated by a single security manager to get the job done. If you are wondering what more can a security guard company ask for? Try Guardso’s open shift feature if your [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:08:36+00:00September 12, 2018|Guard Tour Features|

The 2-Step Guide To Adding Post Site In Guardso Guard Tour Software

Guardso, the robust security guard tour patrol system is known to streamline security operations unlike any other. What makes it possible is, its easy to use independent modules, integrated to work together for providing results that are sure to blow anyone’s mind away. With that in mind, here we are today to answer another interesting question regarding guard tour software. How Are Post Sites Added In Guardso Guard Tour Software? Well, the answer to this question is rather simple than you would have pictured. But, before that let’s take a [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:26:52+00:00July 26, 2018|Guard Tour Features|

How To Assign Security Guards To Post Site In A Security Guard Management System?

Guardso security guard management system is designed specifically to assure greater efficiency of a security team. The only way to achieve it is by understanding how the guard tour software works. So, here we are taking one step at a time to answer a question we are confident you’ll ask while using Guardso security guard management system. The question is: How Are Security Guards Assigned To Post-Site In Guardso Security Guard Management System? The answer to this question lies in 3 simple steps that initially begin with the process of [...]

By |2018-09-14T04:38:58+00:00July 11, 2018|Guard Tour Features|

Manage Dispatch Call Perfectly With Guardso Dispatch Center In 3 Steps

Let us take a moment to think about how we struggle with so many dispatch calls pouring in a guard tour dispatch center. It is tedious not only to make sure that you respond to all of them but also to check that they are registered, assigned to guards and the status is updated. Now, what if I say Guardso Dispatch Center can take all this chaos away and put in place a system that lets you centralize and connect your entire security team on a single platform. On the [...]

By |2018-06-15T19:32:49+00:00June 15, 2018|Guard Tour Features|

Security Guard Tracking System: What Is Geofencing, Really?

A GPS security guard tracking system is one of the most fundamental components of a security patrol system.  After all, it helps to track the exact position of security guards remotely. When combined with the more advanced feature -Geofencing, not only does it enhance reliability & efficiency, but also improves safety level as a whole. So, the question arises, what is this feature of a security guard tracking system? What are Geofences? What is Geofencing? What Is GeoFence, Really? A GeoFence is nothing more, but a virtual border created around [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:28:13+00:00June 8, 2018|Guard Tour Features|

How to Efficiently Utilize Security Guard System’s Powerful Scheduling Module

Putting together security guard’s schedule and totaling up the hours for payroll is among one of the most dreaded work. These two tasks take hours of hard work with a high probability of committing mistakes. You’ll agree to this fact, in case you’re still manually performing them, then using a security management system schedule module. With growing business and new opportunities to plunge into, you could begin spending your valuable time on more important things like supervision or client contact leaving the rest of security guard system schedule module. Today, [...]

By |2018-04-13T10:13:23+00:00April 10, 2018|Guard Tour Features|

Your Guide To Types Of Patrol Guard Tour Systems and How To Choose One

If you are a private patrol firm looking to upgrade to a patrol guard tour system, you may find a plenty of different kinds clocking system for security guards available in the market. To choose the best real-time guard tour system, you need to know the types and how each one works and can be useful to your business. Here we have compiled the major types of patrol guard tour systems to help you narrow down your search: Watchman’s Clock System A watchclock is a mechanical clock based patrol guard [...]

By |2018-06-12T04:46:04+00:00March 29, 2018|Guard Tour Features|

The Benefits Of A Patrol Guard Tour System You Might Have Underestimated.

A patrol guard tour system offers a number of advantages to your private patrol company. From delighting the customers to monitoring guard’s performance, it is developed to take you management a notch higher by streamlining your security patrol operations. It can have a major impact on the quality of your services and internal control. In broader terms, patrol guard tour systems monitor the activities of the security officers on-site to ensure that the officers are following the scheduled patrols and to verify that they are covering all sites as assigned. [...]

By |2018-06-12T04:47:46+00:00March 27, 2018|Guard Tour Features|

How Patrol Guard Tour System Can Benefit My Business?

 A patrol guard tour system is a business tool that has a positive impact on every aspect of security patrol operations. From guard performance, team communication to client retention, a guard tour system complements and magnifies your effort. The results are a better-synchronized management and engaged security team. A major concern for security companies is the safety of data. Guardso understands how important the confidentiality of data is and so it offers a patrol guard tour system with 256-bit encryption with a secure layer to protect your data. It [...]

By |2018-04-27T09:57:27+00:00March 17, 2018|Guard Tour Features|

What “Real-Time” Means in Your Security Guard Tracking System?

There are a variety of factors that can decide the effectiveness of your security guard tracking system like the ease of scheduling, reporting mechanism, and data management, the ability to do all this in real-time is reigns supreme. A real-time guard tour system can work wonders to accelerate your business growth by addressing accountability issues and improving the quality of offered services. After all, a security guard system should be able to make scheduling easier, give you an insight into the guard’s performance and serve as a powerful analytical tool [...]

By |2018-04-13T10:59:31+00:00March 12, 2018|Guard Tour Features|

What Is A Patrol Guard Tour System And How It Can Help My Business?

 A patrol guard tour system is a software that streamlines communication with the on-site security team, the security control center and the clients. It is the smart way to manage your security operations that allows the security manager to track the security guards on patrols to ensure compliance with scheduled patrols. With features like GPS tracking and online report submission using the smartphones, it tackles accountability and data management issues. A guard tour system like Guardso can be managed in-house with least training required. Guardso is developed for effective [...]

By |2018-04-13T11:01:22+00:00March 8, 2018|Guard Tour Features|
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