guard tour management system

Avoid Micromanaging Guards On-Site Using Guard Tour Management System

Contrary to the word, micromanaging is a big issue that not only kills team spirit but suppresses initiative among security team members. This issue amplifies when the security manager has to manage guards performing on remote sites. Instating a guard tour management system can solve the issue and make sure the practice does not damage the essence and effectiveness of security guard management. Signs of Micromanagement In general, micromanagers tend to: Resist delegating and withdraw delegation before it is finished if they find a mistake in the work. Immerse themselves [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:33:51+00:00May 22, 2019|Guard Management System|

The Top 5 Reasons Why You Need Security Guard Time Clock

The trick of getting the work done is to make it as simple as possible. If your security guard has to carry multiple devices to the site for attendance, time clock, GPS, schedules differently, it is cumbersome for him and you too have to chase down employee time sheets every week and then spend more time checking their accuracy. The simpler way is to pick up a guard tour management system with integrated security guard time clock. Because the guards work at sites, there is no actual way of keeping [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:35:21+00:00May 7, 2019|Guard Tour Features|

Reasons Why Your Guard Tour Management System Should Have Open Shift Feature

In comparison to the ways security guards were once scheduled, we all have come a long way, haven’t we? No longer do the security guard companies irrespective of their sizes need to manually get this task done using a number of employees. Today, on the contrary, guard tour management system is equipped with powerful scheduling module that can be operated by a single security manager to get the job done. If you are wondering what more can a security guard company ask for? Try Guardso’s open shift feature if your [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:08:36+00:00September 12, 2018|Guard Tour Features|
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