Blog | Security Guard Management System | GuardsPro2024-07-02T12:49:15+00:00

My Client Has Switched 5 Private Security Companies. How I Made Him Stay.

A client leaving a business in the first place is a complicated subject. But, when that same client switches 5 other private security companies, there must a reason good enough to do that. Often such behaviour of a client depending on the nature of the business can leave a devastating impact on the private security companies. But, if that courtship is managed appropriately, there is no way you can lose your valuable clients. They are the lifeblood of the private [...]

Reasons Why Your Guard Tour Management System Should Have Open Shift Feature

In comparison to the ways security guards were once scheduled, we all have come a long way, haven’t we? No longer do the security guard companies irrespective of their sizes need to manually get this task done using a number of employees. Today, on the contrary, guard tour management system is equipped with powerful scheduling module that can be operated by a single security manager to get the job done. If you are wondering what more can a security guard [...]

Four Reasons Why Security Guard Training Should Also Include CPR & First-Aid Training

Security Guards have to undergo numerous pieces of training in order to do their job of protecting all those under their professional supervision. But, among all those pieces of training is much importance given to CPR & first-aid training? Not often and especially not in security guard training when it is considered as an essential life skill that everyone should have. So, whether you are a security guard or not, learning these valuable skills in the 21st century can go [...]

By |September 10, 2018|Categories: Security Guard Training|Tags: , |2 Comments

Economical Ways For Building Successful Marketing Strategies For Your Security Guard Company

There are literally hundreds of cost-effective ways for a security guard company to increase their revenue. But, for a lot of business owners creating high-impact marketing strategies to push through to meet the sales goals for the year doesn’t come naturally. Therefore, if your security guard company is in need of time-tested, low-cost marketing strategies, there are many great options. But, just for you, we’ve selected a few among the best economical marketing strategies that will for sure bring in [...]

Things To Keep In Mind When Equipping Your Security Patrolling Guards

Security patrolling guards first and foremost job includes protecting people, place, and property from every possible potential threat. But, in order to carry out these duties, they need the right pieces of equipment. It’s often them on which they rely on to provide protection, to investigate the situations, and even stay safe themselves. So, as a security company management, take the first step forward to show you care. Enlighten them on the basic requirements to step-up the wellbeing of your [...]

Five Reasons To Embrace A Visitor Management System & Discard Visitor Books

The first impression is said to be the most crucial of all. So, being a private patrol company your first step towards creating an everlasting first impression on your visitors should begin with dumping the visitor books. No longer are paper-based visitor books the best solution for keeping records. Visitor management system has begun to take over the traditional method due to the increased efficiency and accuracy. Businesses have actually begun to acknowledge it and incorporate it in their system [...]

Can Security Guard System Help You Avoid Client Lawsuits?

The ultimate responsibility of every private patrol company owner is to do everything in power to limit risks in order to keep the business running smoothly. But, the reality is that lawsuit, or even the threat of a lawsuit is inevitable. So, how does one go about safeguarding oneself against client lawsuits? Security guard system is one answer that not many know can be utilized to their advantage. Truth be told, you’ll be surprised to know that a security guard [...]

Real Time GPS Tracker Trends You Need To Be Aware of In 2018

Over the years, real-time GPS tracker systems have gained huge popularity and momentum among numerous industries. How has the security industry become an essential part of that is no big surprise? Despite that, this technology as advanced as it may seem is still undergoing improvements, trying to make the lives of employees and employers simpler. With limitless possibilities, from efficiently managing fleet operations to security guard monitoring using guard tour monitoring system, the latest real-time GPS tracker trends can help [...]

Three Reasons Why Scenario-Based Training Using Patrol Software Is Ideal

Security guards well equipped with security patrol software are the first line of defense for every threatful scenario one can possibly imagine. Due to which, they often face dangerous situations that ultimately may require law enforcement intervention. Nowadays, for this very reason, scenario-based training initiatives are becoming more popular among a large variety of companies. They are providing the guards with opportunities to exercise their skills outside typical training environment that can help mitigate numerous risk in several different ways. [...]

5 Ways To Motivate Your Security Patrol Guards On The Job

Security guard tour solution is the reason why every security operation is executed in an organized manner. But, security patrol guards are the ones behind the scene who make it all possible. Aren’t they? This may sound fascinating, but to get the job done requires a lot of strength, courage, and experience. But most importantly, they require motivation. Sadly, there are a lot of security guard companies that fail to understand the importance of employee motivation. Whereas, on the contrary, [...]

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