Security Guard Tour Scheduling

Challenges Security Managers Face While Managing Their Workforce

Security managers have a crucial role to play in every security guard company. They aren’t just responsible for hiring the right security guards or managing them, but also for assessing the security risks and developing strategies to prevent or mitigate security threats. And that’s what makes their job challenge on a daily basis. But, wait, there’s more to it. Given below is a list of a few job responsibilities that are equally challenging for them. 1. Communication With The Team To be able to communicate effectively with the security guards [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:10:36+00:00November 15, 2019|Security Guard Management|

How To Ensure Scheduled Mobile Security Patrols Aren’t Missed By Guards?

Missed mobile security patrols can hurt your reputation. You know that well, don’t you? In fact, it can take away your most faithful clients just like that. So, how do deal with such a grave problem you might not even have control over? It is a tough question to answer, know that, but definitely not something that can not be resolved. Guardso guard tour system is the one stop solution, but how? That's what you are going to explore now. Let’s get started, shall we? 1. Open Shifts And Shift [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:40:10+00:00February 14, 2019|Security Guard Management|

Reasons Why Your Guard Tour Management System Should Have Open Shift Feature

In comparison to the ways security guards were once scheduled, we all have come a long way, haven’t we? No longer do the security guard companies irrespective of their sizes need to manually get this task done using a number of employees. Today, on the contrary, guard tour management system is equipped with powerful scheduling module that can be operated by a single security manager to get the job done. If you are wondering what more can a security guard company ask for? Try Guardso’s open shift feature if your [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:08:36+00:00September 12, 2018|Guard Tour Features|

3 Hacks To Use Security Company Software To Boost Client Loyalty & Growth

Believe it or not, loyal clients are the key to growth. They are the ones who keep the revenue of the company flowing in. But, in today's highly competitive times, holding onto clients has become increasingly difficult. Despite that, it turns out building loyal and profitable clients isn’t as complex as you think it is. The following 3 hacks of using a security company software in the security industry, will surely come in handy to boost client loyalty and growth. 1. Enhance The Client Experience To Increase Loyalty & Advocacy [...]

By |2018-08-17T04:04:11+00:00July 16, 2018|Security Guard Management|

New Trends In Security Guard Scheduling That Are Here To Stay

Running a private patrol company involves a multitude of tasks. Among them, security guard scheduling is the one which can either break or make your business. The struggle is real, and we completely understand that. But the advanced technology that’s available now has simplified the scheduling process in many ways. Hence, long gone are the days when on-call scheduling was the only way. Now, all that matters is how smartly you utilize the technology to your advantage. All it requires is you staying up-to-date on the latest trends in security [...]

By |2018-12-03T06:38:46+00:00June 18, 2018|Industry Trends|

Implementing Guard Tour Patrol System To Efficiently Manage Tricky Guard Hours

Managing a security guard team without the help of a guard tour patrol system is not an easy task. Also, managing tricky security guard hours can be quite time-consuming, especially while trying to ensure the security guards are assigned the right shift in accordance with their knowledge and skills. The long list of challenges does not end here. It’s a new beginning towards efficiently utilizing the guard tour patrol system for an overall improvement in the efficiency of the shifts. The only way to accomplish it is to know how [...]

By |2018-08-17T03:28:15+00:00May 7, 2018|Security Guard Management|
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