security patrol guard

Tips & Tricks For A Patrol Guard To Survive Long Working Hours

Did you know, working long hours can be bad for both your health and your productivity? A lot of people are aware of it and in spite of that, they continue to work for long hours. But, in some professions, it’s not an option. One among them is the job of a patrol guard which demands a lot of efforts and consumes a lot of time. Getting rid of it may not be possible for a patrol guard, but dealing with it appropriately using the right tips & tricks we’ve [...]

By |2020-06-24T08:51:52+00:00October 22, 2018|Guard Safety And Wellbeing|

5 Ways To Motivate Your Security Patrol Guards On The Job

Security guard tour solution is the reason why every security operation is executed in an organized manner. But, security patrol guards are the ones behind the scene who make it all possible. Aren’t they? This may sound fascinating, but to get the job done requires a lot of strength, courage, and experience. But most importantly, they require motivation. Sadly, there are a lot of security guard companies that fail to understand the importance of employee motivation. Whereas, on the contrary, it is a critical aspect at the workplace which can [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:19:16+00:00August 22, 2018|Guard Safety And Wellbeing|
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