real time guard tour system

What “Real-Time” Means In A Security Guard Tracking System?

There are a variety of factors that can decide the effectiveness of your security guard tracking system like, the ease of scheduling, reporting mechanism, and data management. The ability to do all this in real-time reigns supreme. A real-time guard tour system can work wonders to accelerate your business growth by addressing accountability issues and improving the quality of security services offered. Not choosing a real-time guard tour system can have implications. So, let us dig a bit deeper to know what “real-time” means for a security guard tracking system [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:20:54+00:00July 9, 2019|Guard Tour Features|

Top Features To Look For When Investing In A Real Time Guard Tour System

“If time is money, then efficiency is profit” As a competitive security guard company, you understand that the secret of making a profit is providing the best services to your customers and doing it in the most efficient and smart manner. Relying on paper reports to manage valuable information is definitely neither smart nor efficient. A real-time guard tour system is the best bet. Why? Because it is the faster, easier and more secure way of managing information and that too in real-time. To help you invest, here is a [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:34:51+00:00May 14, 2019|Guard Tour Features|

Guard Tour System and Your Private Patrol Company: Four Benefits Of Transparency

We all can agree to the fact that as important it is to protect and safeguard data, it is critical to bring transparency to your security business. A patrol guard tour system is the most effective way to balance the two. But contrary to what one might believe, most security managers renounce the need to be transparent or use a guard tour system, data safety is the reason to blame. What follows are four main benefits of bringing transparency into your security operations using a security management software. Employee Accountability: [...]

By |2018-04-13T10:39:52+00:00March 20, 2018|Industry Trends|

Things Your Competitors Can Teach You About Client Retention Strategies (Part: 2/2)

In the previous blog, we discussed a few points how a real-time guard tour system can bring efficiency into your security company management and provide the base for building the client retention strategies. Let us further explore the ways to do it: Building Trust And Adding Personal Touches: The clients are the same in every industry, they appreciate when the company goes the extra mile to add personal touches to the service. But don’t go overboard or it may appear unprofessional. As per a survey the companies that invested in [...]

By |2018-04-13T11:03:13+00:00March 6, 2018|Sales & Marketing|

Things Your Competitors Can Teach You About Client Retention Strategies (Part:1/2)

The level of competition is at an all-time high. As important it is to gain new clients, it is equally crucial to creating client retention strategies to be able to conquer and win over the market in the long run. Instating a real-time guard tour system will bring efficiency and effectiveness to your security company management. This will serve as a foundation for your strategies for gaining and retaining customers. Well, it is sort of impossible to talk about it all in a single post if we are to understand [...]

By |2018-04-13T11:04:17+00:00February 26, 2018|Sales & Marketing|
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