Real-time dispatch software

Real-Time Dispatch Software Trends To Be Aware Of

A real-time dispatch software has a vital role to play in the success of a security guard company. In fact, if a little thought is put into it, you’ll realize, a security guard company cannot be said to be fully functional without it, to provide the kind of security everyone deserves. Therefore, choosing the right real-time dispatch software that stands up to the high standards of the security industry becomes essential. To ensure that, one should be first of all aware of what exactly it is and what the industry [...]

By |2020-06-24T08:51:07+00:00October 24, 2018|Industry Trends|

How Does Guardso’s Real-Time Dispatch Software Address Top 5 Guard Tour Dispatcher Needs?

Security guard tour dispatchers may not be the only people responsible for the success of your company, but they sure do play an important role behind the scenes. And that’s why they need the right real-time security dispatch software to address their every need just the way every security guard must know all de-escalation techniques. Then be it the ability to respond in a quick and appropriate manner or the requirement to immediately share necessary information with the security officers, Guardso’s real-time dispatch software has it all covered. But, how? [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:00:22+00:00October 3, 2018|Security Guard Management|
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