guard tour patrol

Private Security Guard Training: How To Spot Suspicious People, Activities, & Vehicles?

Once the eyes & ears of private security guards were considered as the most under-utilized resource available to security managers. Well, that’s simply not the case today with a guard tour system like Guardso in play. After all, it’s helping the security managers to connect the dots using guard tour reports to not only take action but also precautions. But, for the guards to be able to recognize the warning signs require specific private security guard training. Spotting suspicious people, activities, & vehicles is that private security guard training which [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:20:01+00:00August 28, 2019|Security Guard Training|

Areas You Ought To Cover During Security Guard Training

As the competition grows serious, every security company is pushing its limits to provide the best security guard services. Among all other factors, one element that remains overlooked is adequate security guard training. This is one of the easiest and effectual methods to optimize your security operations. The services provided by a trained security guard could mean the difference between generating more business based on uber class performance or bruising your reputation. For starters, go through the list of things your guards should be trained in: 1. Using The Security [...]

By |2023-03-09T15:55:22+00:00April 16, 2019|Security Guard Training|

The 2-Step Guide To Adding Post Site In Guardso Guard Tour Software

Guardso, the robust security guard tour patrol system is known to streamline security operations unlike any other. What makes it possible is, its easy to use independent modules, integrated to work together for providing results that are sure to blow anyone’s mind away. With that in mind, here we are today to answer another interesting question regarding guard tour software. How Are Post Sites Added In Guardso Guard Tour Software? Well, the answer to this question is rather simple than you would have pictured. But, before that let’s take a [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:26:52+00:00July 26, 2018|Guard Tour Features|

Manage Dispatch Call Perfectly With Guardso Dispatch Center In 3 Steps

Let us take a moment to think about how we struggle with so many dispatch calls pouring in a guard tour dispatch center. It is tedious not only to make sure that you respond to all of them but also to check that they are registered, assigned to guards and the status is updated. Now, what if I say Guardso Dispatch Center can take all this chaos away and put in place a system that lets you centralize and connect your entire security team on a single platform. On the [...]

By |2018-06-15T19:32:49+00:00June 15, 2018|Guard Tour Features|
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