guard card

Security Officer Training Requirements After Obtaining The Guard Card

An initial 8 hours of security guard training is required for a person to obtain a guard card. This may seem enough to get a job, but there are many employers who might not hire you until you have completed the mandatory 40 hours of security guard training. As per the rules & regulations of Bureau of Security & Investigation Services, the security officer who has received the guard card or has started working gets 30 days to complete 16 hours of additional training, and 6 months to complete 16 [...]

By |2020-06-24T08:22:28+00:00November 29, 2018|Security Guard Training|

A Quick Guide For Obtaining A Guard Card

You are interested in pursuing the in-demand career of a security guard, aren’t you? Then you’ll be thrilled to know that this industry that has been growing exponentially and therefore has numerous job opportunities to offer. And even better, it does not take very long & does not require a college degree to get started. All it needs is you to obtain a guard card to start working immediately. But, then there’s a catch! Every state in the US has their own unique training and licensing requirements, and you’ll need [...]

By |2020-06-24T08:47:13+00:00November 9, 2018|Security Guard Training|
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