security patrol system

Security Guard Tracking System: What Is Geofencing, Really?

A GPS security guard tracking system is one of the most fundamental components of a security patrol system.  After all, it helps to track the exact position of security guards remotely. When combined with the more advanced feature -Geofencing, not only does it enhance reliability & efficiency, but also improves safety level as a whole. So, the question arises, what is this feature of a security guard tracking system? What are Geofences? What is Geofencing? What Is GeoFence, Really? A GeoFence is nothing more, but a virtual border created around [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:28:13+00:00June 8, 2018|Guard Tour Features|

Grow Your Private Patrol Company: 3 Hacks That Work

The security industry has become an integral part of our society, especially in a period such as now - when the crime has taken to an all-time high. Therefore, the global security services market is currently blooming with new opportunities for growth. Providing the perfect conditions for the growth of your private patrol company to greater heights. It may seem like an easy task to accomplish, but before you begin, you should know how to go about it. To compete effectively, you should know all about the growth strategies to [...]

By |2018-08-17T03:39:36+00:00May 30, 2018|Sales & Marketing|

Identify Top 6 Attributes of Highly Effective Guards using Guardso Guard Tour Software

Security guards undoubtedly are the most important elements that lie at the heart of a private patrol company. They play a crucial role in creating a sense of safety and security for the clients. So, the question we generally ask is what attributes should security guards have? When, we should be asking how to explore them using a guard tour software of which a security guard might not even be aware? Expectations are set by private patrol companies for security guards way before they are even hired. They must be [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:28:41+00:00May 21, 2018|Security Guard Training|

Guardso Security Patrol System: Ensuring The Safety Of Your Security Guards

At the end of the day, if the main concern of your organization towards your guards is not having each of them go home safe; you’ll need to update the list of your priorities. It has become more necessary than ever to build a robust security patrol system to ensure the safety of all staff and especially, the security guards deployed at remote patrol sites. In the past, a security guard company was forced to rely on paper reports and monitor via radios, but not anymore. The introduction of Guardso [...]

By |2018-06-12T04:36:20+00:00April 23, 2018|Guard Safety And Wellbeing|

How To Cut Down Management Hassles Using A Patrol Guard Tour System

Being a manager does not mean toiling to keep the operations working seamlessly. A smart manager is one who knows what tools to employ and how to put them to use, to achieve your goals in the most effective and efficient manner. As a security patrol manager, security patrol solution is what you need. Guardso ensures that you manage your responsibilities without breaking a sweat. Let's get into the details of what a patrol guard tour system can do for you: Easy Scheduling And Allocation Of Site Posts : Allocation [...]

By |2018-04-13T11:20:20+00:00February 1, 2018|Security Guard Management|

5 Tips to Improve your Security Patrol System

Security patrol system needs to improve. Here are these simple tips that have proven effective to many security companies. Is your security company lagging behind in the effectiveness of its security patrol system? You can improve this through these simple tips that have proven effective to many security companies: Incorporate a Security Reporting Software For easier and quicker patrol services by your guards, equip your management system with a reporting software. There is a significant reduction in the time lag between your officers receiving alarm calls and arriving at the [...]

By |2018-08-30T05:29:14+00:00August 29, 2017|Security Guard Management|

What is security patrol system and how it can help private patrol companies?

Security patrol solution is a combination of web and mobile technologies which are designed to streamline the security patrol solution for private patrol companies. It helps security guards to be more productive when they are on the client site and improves upon their accountability toward their daily duties. Modern security patrols systems come with a mobile app which guards can use to communicate important information with their supervisors. They can submit reports, conduct site tours, create pass down logs, check site orders. It's really can help private patrol companies Another [...]

By |2018-07-11T04:24:33+00:00July 21, 2017|Guard Tour Features|
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