security patrol officer

Predictive Methods For A Security Patrol Officer To Identify Aggressive Behavior

Dealing with aggressive behavior is a part of every security patrol officer’s job and there is no denying this fact. Which is why it becomes more than essential for every security patrol officer to be able to identify physical & behavioral changes in people displaying aggression. This can, after all, be helpful in preventing or reducing violent events from happening significantly. Every security patrol officer, in that case, should be aware of different approaches to effectively handle people aggressive behavior to protect themselves and other people. Before we briefly take [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:16:34+00:00October 3, 2019|Security Guard Training|

3 Gadgets Security Patrol Officer Must Try Their Hands On

Every security patrol officer whether armed or unarmed is dependent on a number of gadgets to get the job done. That is often dependent on the type of property being guarded. But today the industry is moving towards offering more specific solutions along with a higher level of integration and services. Reason being, world security trends are changing fast due to new technologies that are being introduced now and then. Therefore, the security companies are changing their needs, and the customers are changing too. But often in this process, it [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:05:04+00:00September 19, 2018|Industry Trends|
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