security patrol monitoring system

8 Unbelievable Things You Should Know About A Security Patrol Monitoring System

If you are a private patrol company, you are not unaware of the utility of a security patrol monitoring system. Aren’t you? Contrary to the tedious documentation practices in the past, today, the security guard management software has emerged as an aid to streamline and simplify the operations of the security guard companies. While on a quest for the best guard tour mobile app, you must have investigated enough to get into the intricate details, but there are a few points that are easily missed. You may find it hard [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:25:32+00:00August 13, 2019|Guard Management System|

Do Your Private Patrol Guards Know About These Workplace Hazards?

The job of private patrol guards is such that they need to ensure the safety of the property and the people residing or working there. But, in order to do that, they often have to work in dangerous environments that can affect their own well-being in the process. However, to take preventive measures, they need to be aware of what workplace hazards they can encounter on various post-sites. Are your private patrol guards aware of them? If not, given below are the top 4 categories of workplace hazards they need [...]

By |2023-03-09T15:17:08+00:00April 1, 2019|Guard Safety And Wellbeing|

Evolving Security Patrol Software Calls For Evolving Duties Of Security Managers

The security managers in private patrol companies whether it’s big or small, have a significant role to play. They are often seen as someone only responsible for hiring new members for the staff and delegating task & duties to them. But is that really it? Definitely not, especially when nowadays a security patrol software is being used for making the security operations highly integrated, and more streamlined. The constantly evolving security patrol software is dramatically reshaping company functions. It is facilitating them with ways to smoothly run their business and [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:23:19+00:00August 8, 2018|Security Guard Management|
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