security patrol devices

Things To Consider While Equipping Your Security Patrolling Guards

Security patrolling guard's first and foremost job includes protecting people, place, and property from every possible security threat. But, in order to carry out these duties, they need the right piece of equipment. It’s often them on which they rely to provide protection, to investigate the situations, and even stay safe themselves.  So, as a security guard company, take the first step forward to show you care. Enlighten them on the basic requirements to step-up the wellbeing of your security patrolling guards. If you don’t know where to begin, we’ve [...]

By |2021-01-06T04:40:07+00:00December 26, 2020|Guard Safety And Wellbeing, Latest Articles|

Things To Keep In Mind When Equipping Your Security Patrolling Guards

Security patrolling guards first and foremost job includes protecting people, place, and property from every possible potential threat. But, in order to carry out these duties, they need the right pieces of equipment. It’s often them on which they rely on to provide protection, to investigate the situations, and even stay safe themselves. So, as a security company management, take the first step forward to show you care. Enlighten them on the basic requirements to step-up the wellbeing of your security patrolling guards. If you don’t know where to begin, [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:12:49+00:00September 5, 2018|Guard Safety And Wellbeing|

Three Reasons Why Scenario-Based Training Using Patrol Software Is Ideal

Security guards well equipped with security patrol software are the first line of defense for every threatful scenario one can possibly imagine. Due to which, they often face dangerous situations that ultimately may require law enforcement intervention. Nowadays, for this very reason, scenario-based training initiatives are becoming more popular among a large variety of companies. They are providing the guards with opportunities to exercise their skills outside typical training environment that can help mitigate numerous risk in several different ways. From a quick, yet simple evacuation procedure to as complex [...]

By |2018-08-24T11:57:45+00:00August 24, 2018|Security Guard Training|

Benefits A Security Guard Company Can Reap From A Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy

In this modern era, customers expect product or service information to be readily available. They want to interact with businesses in ways that are convenient for them. Then, today, be it yours security guard company or any other in a different industry, using a single channel to achieve the heights of success for a business is no longer practical and sufficient. To tackle the problem of not staying constantly in touch with customers, multi-channel marketing strategies have been seen to be extremely effective. They have enhanced customer experience by understanding [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:20:46+00:00August 17, 2018|Sales & Marketing|

Your Guide To Types Of Patrol Guard Tour Systems and How To Choose One

If you are a private patrol firm looking to upgrade to a patrol guard tour system, you may find a plenty of different kinds clocking system for security guards available in the market. To choose the best real-time guard tour system, you need to know the types and how each one works and can be useful to your business. Here we have compiled the major types of patrol guard tour systems to help you narrow down your search: Watchman’s Clock System A watchclock is a mechanical clock based patrol guard [...]

By |2018-06-12T04:46:04+00:00March 29, 2018|Guard Tour Features|
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