security guard checkpoint system

Benefits of Using QR Codes In Security Patrolling Systems

Did you know, Guardso is among one of the security patrolling systems that allow you to generate QR codes effortlessly? Not does it only help to define multiple tours for a particular post site but it also acts as a security guard checkpoint system ensuring the guards complete site tours as per their schedules. In addition to it, Guardso also supports NFC tags that allows them to wirelessly transfer signals between two devices. However, QR codes are considered one of the most effective options for security guard management. So, let [...]

By |2020-06-24T08:31:06+00:00November 14, 2018|Security Guard Management|

Security Tips Your Private Security Guards Need To Know

Private security guards have to work in a wide variety of environments that present its own challenges. Therefore, it is neither an easy job nor is it always safe. But, they have to work to protect others to the best of their abilities. However, that should not stop them from keeping themselves safe which is why here are a few tips you can ask them to follow: Know Their Limits To private security guards, it is highly recommended to never put themselves in dangerous situations unless it’s completely unavoidable. Because, [...]

By |2020-06-24T08:32:46+00:00November 12, 2018|Guard Safety And Wellbeing|
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