patrol software

5 Essential Guidelines To Create Successful Security Awareness Training Program

A security awareness training program is not just a one-time thing, but a process in itself to change employee behavior enough to increase their ability to consciously make more secure decisions. That is so much more easily said than it’s done. The reason why a security guard company should create a security awareness training program is due to the fact that the human brain is complex and various factors influence human actions. The traditional training approaches are simplistic and one-dimensional in nature that do not prove adequate in case of security guards [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:03:34+00:00September 26, 2018|Security Guard Training|

Three Reasons Why Scenario-Based Training Using Patrol Software Is Ideal

Security guards well equipped with security patrol software are the first line of defense for every threatful scenario one can possibly imagine. Due to which, they often face dangerous situations that ultimately may require law enforcement intervention. Nowadays, for this very reason, scenario-based training initiatives are becoming more popular among a large variety of companies. They are providing the guards with opportunities to exercise their skills outside typical training environment that can help mitigate numerous risk in several different ways. From a quick, yet simple evacuation procedure to as complex [...]

By |2018-08-24T11:57:45+00:00August 24, 2018|Security Guard Training|

How to Stay Relevant: A Guide for Small Private Patrol Company

Private Patrol Company Can Stay Relevant if they give fair compensation packages keeps your clients safe and satisfied. There are giants and startups in the security industry, just like with any other sector of the economy. Big private patrol company have many advantages over their smaller counterparts. They have greater resources, so they can provide a wider variety of services. Private patrol company  employees are likely highly trained, and they can afford to be picky about who they take on as clients. So how does a small security company stay [...]

By |2018-04-13T12:00:48+00:00September 7, 2017|Industry Trends|
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