patrol guard tour system

Your Guide To Patrol Guard Tour System Types & How To Choose One

If you are a private patrol firm looking to upgrade to a patrol guard tour system, you may find plenty of options available in the market. But, to choose the best real-time guard tour system, you need to know the types and how each one works & can be useful to your private patrol business. Here we have compiled the major types of  patrol guard tour systems to help you narrow down your search: 1. Watchman’s Clock System A watchman’s clock is a mechanical based patrol guard tour system used [...]

By |2021-01-06T04:58:32+00:00September 12, 2019|Guard Tour Features|

How To Implement Data-Driven Decision Making Using A Patrol Guard Tour System?

If you want to sustain and grow in the present competitive market, walking by assumptions can be fatal. A security firm must realize the value of data-driven decision making and the utility of a patrol guard tour system in realizing this objective. Using a security reporting system is a smart strategy that makes it convenient for you to collect ground reports, and understand as well as analyze the on-site scenarios to make your business more competitive and agile. What follows are the ways you can incorporate data-driven decision making into [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:21:46+00:00July 16, 2019|Industry Trends|

Benefits Of Patrol Guard Tour System You Need To Know Today

A patrol guard tour system offers a number of advantages to your private patrol company. From delighting the customers to monitoring guard’s performance, it is developed to take your management a notch higher by streamlining your security patrol operations. It can have a major impact on the quality of your services and internal control.   In broader terms, a patrol guard tour system monitors the activities of the security guards on-site to ensure they are following the scheduled security patrol and to verify they are covering all sites as assigned. [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:36:42+00:00April 25, 2019|Guard Tour Features|
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