
How to Minimize Cost Using While Maximizing Business Output As A Private Patrol Company

As much as your private patrol company is providing quality services to its clients, it also needs to stay on its feet financially. You can ensure you are always working within the most affordable budget and at the same time satisfying your clients’ best interests through Guardso. Below is a list of ways that Guardso minimizes on expenses and will boost your company’s profits in a short while. QR Codes and GPS Location Finding All clients and guards are assigned a unique QR code to help them check into a [...]

By |2018-04-13T12:14:47+00:00August 8, 2017|Best Articles|

How Important is Networking for Your Private Security Business?

At one point or another, you'll hear people telling you to start networking, especially if you’re in charge of a private security business. Whether your business is online or in a given location, networking plays a part in its success. Here is a little bit about the importance of networking in starting and running your business. Networking is a Great Way to Get New Clients When you go to a social business mixer, you meet many people, many of them your potential client. You get a chance to talk to [...]

By |2018-04-13T12:15:56+00:00August 4, 2017|Sales & Marketing|
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