active guard patrol system

Regain Control with Security Patrol System: The Two Best Overtime Reduction Tricks

In times of need to meet the demands, overtime can be a cost-effective way to flex your workforce and increase the capacity. Unplanned overtime, on the contrary, can turn into an ineffective and expensive way to fix problems. If further left undiscovered and unchecked by the security guard company, it can result in reducing active guard patrol system competitiveness. Therefore, trying to eliminate it altogether may seem like an unrealistic dream. But, finding ways to reduce it and the expenses that come along can become the key to maintaining a [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:29:14+00:00June 12, 2019|Security Guard Management|

How To Improve Campus Security Using An Active Guard Patrol System?

Students are the future of our country, and their protection should also be the top priority for every educational institution. To ensure that, they require a wide range of security requirements so as to comply with the rules & regulations put in place by the Clery Act. Which is why Guardso active guard patrol system is the perfect solution packed with rich features to not only enhance campus security but also to improve guard performance & address accountability. So, let’s take a look those rich features of Guardso active guard [...]

By |2020-06-24T08:55:24+00:00October 10, 2018|Security Guard Management|

How To Deal With Demanding Clients Using Active Guard Patrol System

As the competition gets tough and the struggle to retain clients for longer periods of time intensifies, a major burden falls on the quality of customer service your private patrol firm is providing. Often the security guards find themselves at the helm of customer service on site when dealing directly with them is certain. Not more than often, security guards may encounter clients that are difficult. The way the guard handles these clients is enough to create or break the reputation of a private patrol firm. Let’s dig in to [...]

By |2018-08-17T03:49:22+00:00June 22, 2018|Customer Service|

Regain Control with Security Patrolling Systems: The Two Best Overtime Reduction Tricks

In times of need to meet the demands, overtime can be a cost-effective way to flex your workforce and increase the capacity. Unplanned overtime, on the contrary, can turn into an ineffective and expensive way to fix problems. If further left undiscovered and unchecked by the security guard company, it can result in reducing active guard patrol system competitiveness. Therefore, trying to eradicate it altogether may seem like an unrealistic dream. But, finding ways to reduce it and the expenses that come along can become the key to maintaining a [...]

By |2018-08-17T03:26:00+00:00April 30, 2018|Security Guard Management|
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