Managing a security guard team is a challenge for every security guard company irrespective of its size. From tracking, reporting to dispatching, you name it. Failing to resolve these common problems will only put your business in jeopardy. To resolve it hassle-free, what better than an innovative guard tour system designed to execute procedures in real-time, relieving the managing staff from time consumable processes and security guard to deliver outstanding security services?
Investing in a real-time guard tour system, your security guard company will be able to monitor guard tours in real-time, stay informed about any incident on the client site, and so much more. Here’ take a look at a few common problems that a guard tour system can help resolve easily.
Guard Accountability
Security guards are entrusted to protect the physical and human assets of their clients, making guard accountability a very crucial aspect for any security guard company. However, a lot of them struggle to keep track of their guard’s movement to ensure that.
Using a guard tour system, you need not worry about it as it uses GPS technology to automatically track the guard’s movement. You can create geofence and receive live notifications when your security guards enter or exit the authorized areas. In-app check-in and check-out also help to keep the security guards accountable.
Real-Time Response
Another one of the most common problems faced by security guard teams is their inability to respond quickly to incidents on client sites due to a lack of communication. Further, the nature of standard incident reporting makes it tough for the dispatcher to fully understand the situation. This hinders their ability to help security guards respond appropriately to the situation.
Guardso security guard dispatch software is specifically designed to help the dispatcher instantly when an incident is reported. They can effortlessly manage multiple calls coming in from the client sites in real-time – record, update, assign guards, chat live, and access all the information on a single window.
Ease Of Reporting
Creating and sharing different types of guard tour reports is one of the biggest responsibilities of a security guard. Incomplete reports, illegible handwriting, and many other issues that can keep the reports from being as informative as they should be. And that can easily cause a problem for any security guard company.
A reliable guard tour system with powerful reporting software will help you avoid this problem by letting you generate custom templates for the security guards to fill out. Security guards can simply fill in the blanks, attach multimedia files, add notes, etc. in the reports and submit them in real-time and hassle-free.

Stay Ahead Of Competition
With the rise of the internet and social media, competition has increased exponentially. Technology, on the other hand, has brought global competitors to your doorsteps. Customers nowadays have a plethora of choices, failure to keep up with their demands will surely put your security guard company out of business in no time.
With the help of a powerful guard tour system, you can demonstrate to your potential clients how you are embracing new technologies to enhance your security guard operations and security services on their site with utmost dedication. How your guard tour system is well equipped to keep your clients happy and only add more value to their offerings.
Avoid Legal Action
One incident may lead to another on a client site. The way it’s handled by the security guards or further reported may cause disputes to an extent that clients might threaten to take legal action. In such a scenario, you might want a solution that’s capable of protecting your security guards and your security guard company from such a serious problem.
The right guard tour system will enable you to tackle this problem by letting you provide indisputable evidence of site tours. GPS tracking data and multimedia files attached in well-maintained guard tour reports will further help you ensure the truth is made known.
To ensure your security guard company can deliver outstanding security guard services to all your clients, consider investing in an all-in-one security management software that can help you grow and improve your bottom line significantly than negatively impacting your business.
To know more about the Guardso guard tour system and how it’s the perfect solution, visit us at Even better, register for 14 days free trial to get hands-on experience: For more information on this topic stay tuned, and do not forget to subscribe to our blog for regular updates.