security reporting software

How Can Data From A Security Guard Software Help Close More Deals?

Sales experts around the world are always on the move, taking actions every hour of every day. Despite that, it’s rare to see someone sell something straight away. Often, it involves a long process from creating leads at first to forming a relationship at last. In the security industry, this process includes sharing relevant data using security guard software to turn the tables while closing important deals. The question arises, why so much significance is given to this particular step. It’s because clients, especially the one’s on tight budget want [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:25:25+00:00August 3, 2018|Sales & Marketing|

Can A Guard Management System Play A Critical Role In Your Sales Development Strategies?

Every private patrol company's ultimate desire is to multiply its profit by numerous folds. You desire the same, don't you? In that case, sales development strategies play a vital role. But to continuously grow and prosper nothing can be done without what lies at the heart & soul of the company, in this case, which happens to be a guard management system.  So, how well formulated are your sales development strategies in accordance with your guard management system? Can a guard management system actually play a critical role in the [...]

By |2019-04-15T04:05:30+00:00June 27, 2018|Sales & Marketing|

How To Deal With Demanding Clients Using Active Guard Patrol System

As the competition gets tough and the struggle to retain clients for longer periods of time intensifies, a major burden falls on the quality of customer service your private patrol firm is providing. Often the security guards find themselves at the helm of customer service on site when dealing directly with them is certain. Not more than often, security guards may encounter clients that are difficult. The way the guard handles these clients is enough to create or break the reputation of a private patrol firm. Let’s dig in to [...]

By |2018-08-17T03:49:22+00:00June 22, 2018|Customer Service|

A Comprehensive Guide To Crime Scene Management For Security Guards

Security guards stand tall against any possible incident on site but sooner or later a guard may find himself as a first responder to a crime scene. And therefore his response may alter the course the case may take in the further investigations. However important it may seem, this aspect of guard training is often ignored or even if it is included in the training program, there are high chances that it is given the least importance. But the rule to follow while training the guards is to prepare them [...]

By |2018-08-17T03:48:32+00:00June 20, 2018|Security Guard Training|
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