security guard tour system

The 5 Best Labor-Saving Technologies A Private Patrol Company Can Employ

Over the past few decades, technology has evolved at a dizzying speed transforming almost every job on the planet, and no private patrol company is untouched. While the physical security is witnessing a paradigm shift in technology, with the growing use of smartphones, high-end video surveillance cameras & drones, sophisticated integrated access control systems and the first versions of robot-guards, labor costs still take a major part in expense split of almost every private patrol company. The best way to keep the labor costs under control is to incorporate the [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:24:38+00:00August 20, 2019|Industry Trends|

Lookout, Guardso 5.0 Is Here With Brand New Features!

Team Guardso is always on the mission to provide its clients the best security guard tour system. And we believe, there is no better way of showing that to you than by adding new and more functional features to our web-based & mobile patrol app solution so you can sell your security guard services with confidence. Now, let us briefly take a look at the features we decided to add after careful consideration and of course your valuable feedback. For your convenience, the updates have been divided into two parts. [...]

By |2019-05-29T06:16:06+00:00December 31, 2018|GuardsPro Updates|

Important Factors For Security Patrol Companies To Investigate Bad Customer Service

Customer service, in today’s competitive market, is an essential factor in nurturing customer loyalty. Everyone’s aware of how a single interaction between the customer and the company is capable of making or breaking their relationship? Yet, a lot of security patrol companies do not begin to acknowledge, monitor, measure or manage the process until it gets too late. Unlike others, if you are struggling with bad customer service despite all your efforts, consider investigating the following factors to help bring your security patrol company back on track. 1. Customer Service [...]

By |2018-08-17T04:08:26+00:00July 24, 2018|Customer Service|

5 Labor-Saving Technologies Being Employed in Every Private Patrol Company

There’s no stop to technology evolving at dizzying speed, but to expect it would be mere foolishness. Over the past few decades, it has tremendously transformed almost every job on the planet, and today, every private patrol company is proudly the part of that shift. It has evolved over time to include smartphones, high-end video surveillance cameras & drones, sophisticated integrated access control systems and it all still continues to evolve with the first versions of robot-guards. This shift, thus along with it has brought a significant change to the [...]

By |2018-06-12T04:40:06+00:00April 18, 2018|Industry Trends|
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