security guard software

Which Guardso Security Guard Software Features When Used Increase Guard’s Performance? – Part II

Every security guard works diligently on client sites to protect both property & personnel. But using a security guard software like that of Guardso, you & your security guards can work smartly. You can enhance not only your guard’s performance but also your overall business performance. How? By making the most out of the various features available on Guardso security guard software. In our last blog, we covered several such Guardso security guard software features, and we have more in store for you. Let’s check them out.   Custom Reports Did [...]

By |2020-05-01T07:23:03+00:00May 1, 2020|Latest Articles, Security Guard Management|

Which Guardso Security Guard Software Features When Used Increase Guard’s Performance? – Part I

Boosting security guard performance is a problem that every security guard company still faces in today’s modern workspace. To resolve this problem all you need to do is take a good look at Guardso security guard software. Enriched with powerful features it is designed to not only improve your bottom line but enhance guard's performance & productivity by several folds. How? Let's begin with understanding that. GPS Tracking A GPS tracking system is invaluable to every security guard company that wholly relies on timely execution and efficient performance. With it, [...]

By |2020-05-01T05:38:51+00:00April 17, 2020|Latest Articles, Security Guard Management|

How Can Data From A Security Guard Software Help Close More Deals?

Sales experts around the world are always on the move, taking actions every hour of every day. Despite that, it’s rare to see someone sell something straight away. Often, it involves a long process from creating leads at first to forming a relationship at last. In the security industry, this process includes sharing relevant data using security guard software to turn the tables while closing important deals. The question arises, why so much significance is given to this particular step. It’s because clients, especially the one’s on tight budget want [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:25:25+00:00August 3, 2018|Sales & Marketing|

Five Reasons Clients No Longer Want Paper Reports From Security Guard Companies

Guardso has rapidly become the number one leading security guard app in the industry. Through its various features, it has brought efficiency to security guard companies in many ways. One of the features included is the online reporting. This allows guards to easily share reports with their supervisors and eventually with their clients. The types of reports submitted are incident reports, dialysis activity reports, task reports amongst others. With the increasing efficiency of the system, clients are no longer interested in paper reports. Here are five reasons why security guard [...]

By |2018-04-13T11:58:10+00:00September 26, 2017|Customer Service|
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