Blog | Security Guard Management System | GuardsPro2024-07-02T12:49:15+00:00

How Important is Networking for Your Private Security Business?

At one point or another, you'll hear people telling you to start networking, especially if you’re in charge of a private security business. Whether your business is online or in a given location, networking plays a part in its success. Here is a little bit about the importance of networking in starting and running your business. Networking is a Great Way to Get New Clients When you go to a social business mixer, you meet many people, many of them [...]

By |August 4, 2017|Categories: Sales & Marketing|Tags: , , |4 Comments

Do Your Security Officers Have Proper Report Writing Skills?

When someone perpetrates a crime, the security guard on site has to fill in an incident report. When nothing happens, he or she still has to fill in a daily activity report. What this means is that report writing is an integral part of a security guard’s job description. If you want your security guard company to succeed, you’ll have to make sure that each of your guards possesses the necessary report writing skills. Knowing what good report writing skills [...]

By |August 1, 2017|Categories: Security Guard Training|Tags: , , , |3 Comments

7 Benefits of Using Guardso for Your Security Guard Companies

Factoring for Security Guard Companies Guardso is a security management firm that designs management systems for security guard companies. They have an online app by the same name that makes the system accessible to individual guards for submission of reports, incident reports from their duty location. You can manage your system online with their highly customizable GPS ready system that allows you to manage your team of guards assigned to different clients at different locations at the same time. Security [...]

By |July 21, 2017|Categories: Guard Tour Features|Tags: , |4 Comments

How A Security Guard Firm Can Improve It’s Productivity And Aссоuntаbіlіtу?

Customers not only pick security companies, but security guard firms also pick their customers. Fеw thіngѕ аrе more highly valued bу thе сlіеntѕ оf security guard firms than ассоuntаbіlіtу. After аll, уоur сlіеntѕ ѕреnd a fair аmоunt оf their earnings оn уоur ѕесurіtу ѕеrvісеѕ, аnd аѕ ѕuсh, thеу lіkе tо ѕее evidence thаt уоur team іѕ асtuаllу fulfіllіng whаt they’ve bееn hіrеd tо dо. But ассоuntаbіlіtу іѕn’t juѕt іmроrtаnt for уоur clients. Fоr everyone іnvоlvеd іn thе security guard firms [...]

How to Keep your Security Guards Accountable?

Accountability is a vital component in the security sector. Without it, security providers cannot deliver the services people need from them. Accountability will help you get better performance out of guards as your employees and your protectors. Managers and operators in security firms need to instill the principles of accountability within the guard teams. The rewards you will get are definitely worth the effort. Train them Train your guards to do their jobs the way you want them to perform. [...]

By |July 21, 2017|Categories: Security Guard Management|3 Comments

10 things no one told you about selling security guard services.

In tоdау’ѕ mаrkеt, companies that hire security guard companies to offer extra security for their business аrе оftеn not іnfоrmеd about thе security guard company and its ѕеrvісеѕ . One of the most important factor in selling security services to really listen to the concerns of a company which is trying to hire the security company. Rаthеr than directly selling tо a buуеr, a salesperson’s rеаl job іѕ tо hеlр the buyer fіnd ѕоlutіоnѕ tо ѕоmе nееd that hаѕ gone [...]

What is security patrol system and how it can help private patrol companies?

Security patrol solution is a combination of web and mobile technologies which are designed to streamline the security patrol solution for private patrol companies. It helps security guards to be more productive when they are on the client site and improves upon their accountability toward their daily duties. Modern security patrols systems come with a mobile app which guards can use to communicate important information with their supervisors. They can submit reports, conduct site tours, create pass down logs, check [...]

What makes Guardso #1 Security Patrol Software

Guardso#1 security patrol software company becuase you can use guardso app easily and cost effective. Gone are the days when security guard companies relied solely on phone calls and paperwork to run their operations. As the world went digital, so did the security guard experts. But with all the security patrol systems in the market, what makes Guardso stand out? Before getting into that, first look at what Guardso actually does. Guardso is a service provider for security guard companies. [...]

Why Customer Services Skills are Must For an Effective Guard Tour Patrol System ?

Customer services skills are must for an effective guard tour patrol system. Because it can more beneficial for your security guard company to gain the new customer. Guard tour patrol system can safe people and property. Whіlе kееріng people аnd рrореrtу safe аnd secure іѕ ѕеrіоuѕ buѕіnеѕѕ, thаt dоеѕn't mean a security officer саn't аlѕо bе frіеndlу аnd helpful. Whіlе your рrеѕеnсе alone mау hеlр реорlе fееl mоrе secure, еngаgіng wіth thеm аnd оffеrіng аѕѕіѕtаnсе; hаllmаrkѕ of gооd сuѕtоmеr ѕеrvісе [...]

Why it’s Important to train your Security Guards?

Many security companies overlook the need to train their guards before sending them out on the job. Lack of training in security guards makes them less efficient than the trained security personnel in carrying out their duties. Here is a look at how your company can benefit from training your security guards, and the types of training you can prescribe for them.Training makes for more efficient Security Personal These are ways in which training promotes the efficiency of your personnel. [...]

By |July 21, 2017|Categories: Security Guard Training|3 Comments

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