Blog | Security Guard Management System | GuardsPro2024-07-02T12:49:15+00:00

5 Reasons Why You Need Security Guard Time Clock

The trick of getting the work done is to make it as simple as possible. If your security guard has to carry multiple devices to the site for attendance, time clock, GPS, schedules differently, it is cumbersome for him and you too have to chase down employee time sheets every week and then spend more time checking their accuracy. The simpler way is to pick up a guard management system with integrated security guard time clock. Because the guards work [...]

Metrics That Enhance Your Reputation As Security Guard Company

As a market player, it is implicit that you understand that the growth of your business is directly related to your brand value. And a great brand comes from building a good reputation. A good reputation is an asset that does not reflect on your balance sheet but boosts the value of every asset listed in the account book. Apart from the quantitative criteria used to measure business results and growth, you need to define some metrics you can use [...]

By |February 2, 2018|Categories: Sales & Marketing|5 Comments

Top Features To Look For When Investing In A Real Time Guard Tour System

As a competitive security guard company, you understand that the secret of making a profit is providing the best services to your customers and doing it in the most efficient and smart manner. Relying on paper reports to manage valuable information is definitely neither smart nor efficient. A real-time guard tour system is the best bet. Why? Because it is the faster, easier and more secure way of managing information and that too in real-time. To help you invest, here [...]

By |February 1, 2018|Categories: Guard Tour Features|Tags: , , |9 Comments

How To Cut Down Management Hassles Using A Patrol Guard Tour System

Being a manager does not mean toiling to keep the operations working seamlessly. A smart manager is one who knows what tools to employ and how to put them to use, to achieve your goals in the most effective and efficient manner. As a security patrol manager, security patrol solution is what you need. Guardso ensures that you manage your responsibilities without breaking a sweat. Let's get into the details of what a patrol guard tour system can do for [...]

Preventative Patrols, What Are They And Why Private Security Firms Need To Make Them A Priority?

Of all the roles that a security guard plays, preventative patrols are perhaps the most important. But what is a preventative or private patrol? Why is essential to keeping clients’ sites safe? These are some of the questions that we will be tackling in this feature. So, first things first, what is a preventative patrol? Private security firms, have to ensure that the property under guard remains safe. That includes guards making rounds through the property to ensure that there [...]

By |January 23, 2018|Categories: Customer Service|Tags: |7 Comments

How To Keep Up With Customer Service When Your Security Business Grows

Most people start security guard companies with two goals in mind. That is, to keep clients and their property safe and to make money while doing it. There gets a time when such firms expand because of good business. However, expansion does not mean that you should neglect customer service in pursuit of more business. On the contrary, the more your company grows, the more crucial customer service will be to your business. So, how do you make sure you [...]

By |January 17, 2018|Categories: Customer Service|Tags: , , |6 Comments

What Are The Most Common Questions That A Company Asked Before They Hire Security Companies?

The process of hiring security can be one of the most sensitive for any organization or individual. As a result, the clients are generally very particular about the things they look for before they can hire security companies. Guardso offers security patrol solutions to such companies by designing security guard management systems that help to improve the services offered to clients. Here are three of the most common questions that private patrol companies tend to ask before they can hire [...]

By |January 10, 2018|Categories: Sales & Marketing|Tags: , |4 Comments

How To Keep Your Security Guards Engaged Using A Guard Tour System

There is no denying the fact that human resource is a crucial investment. In the purview of security guard companies, it is important that the man-force is engaged and hence is able to achieve optimal levels of productivity and performance.  A security guard who is always on time does his patrols without fail and gains positive feedback from the clients is definitely an asset to the business. Like any other employee keeping your security guards engaged with their duties takes efforts, but [...]

By |January 4, 2018|Categories: Security Guard Management|Tags: , |5 Comments

Why Your Security Guard must know all De-escalation Techniques

One type of security guard training that is often ignored is conflict resolutions. That’s because many security guard management companies do not realize the tremendous difference de escalation training makes in the workplace. Below, we will look at the benefits that such training has for customers, security guard companies and the general public. What makes de-escalation training a must-have conflict resolutions package for security guards? A Security Guard with De-escalation Training could save lives In the past, we have witnessed [...]

By |December 29, 2017|Categories: Security Guard Training|Tags: , |4 Comments

How To Make Sure That Your Security Guard’s Daily Activity Reports Meets The Industry Standard?

Security guards who work for the best security companies will operationally be required to write and produce daily activity reports (DARs) for their posts and respective assignments. This process is a standard operating procedure that has now become mandatory in the security patrol industry. There are very particular specifications that must be met in any DAR for it to be considered as having met the required industry standard, as advised by security expert Guardso. Guardso is a leading security patrol [...]

By |December 19, 2017|Categories: Industry Trends|4 Comments

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