Blog | Security Guard Management System | GuardsPro2024-07-02T12:49:15+00:00

Guard Tour System and Your Private Patrol Company: Four Benefits Of Transparency

We all can agree to the fact that as important it is to protect and safeguard data, it is critical to bring transparency to your security business. A patrol guard tour system is the most effective way to balance the two. But contrary to what one might believe, most security managers renounce the need to be transparent or use a guard tour system, data safety is the reason to blame. What follows are four main benefits of bringing transparency into [...]

How Patrol Guard Tour System Can Benefit My Business?

 A patrol guard tour system is a business tool that has a positive impact on every aspect of security patrol operations. From guard performance, team communication to client retention, a guard tour system complements and magnifies your effort. The results are a better-synchronized management and engaged security team. A major concern for security companies is the safety of data. Guardso understands how important the confidentiality of data is and so it offers a patrol guard tour system with 256-bit [...]

How To Use A Guard Tour Management System To Avoid Micromanaging Guards On-Site

Contrary to the word, micromanaging is a big issue the not only kills team spirit but suppresses initiative among security team members. This issue amplifies when the security manager has to manage guards performing on remote sites. Instating a guard tour management system can solve the issue and make sure the practice does not damage the essence and effectiveness of security guard management. Signs of Micromanagement In general, micromanages tend to: Resist delegating and withdraw delegation before it is finished [...]

By |March 15, 2018|Categories: Security Guard Management|7 Comments

What Are The Roles And Responsibilities Of Security Guards? – Infographic

The primary role of security guards is safeguarding the client’s property. The security guards adopt a preventive approach rather than a reactive one meaning that they act as a deterrence to crime and disruptions on the assigned location by watching out for looming danger and suspicious activities or persons. The security guards or security officers may be employed in a variety of settings, such as private premises, public building, museums, or banks. The duties may vary depending on the site [...]

By |March 13, 2018|Categories: Best Articles|9 Comments

What “Real-Time” Means in Your Security Guard Tracking System?

There are a variety of factors that can decide the effectiveness of your security guard tracking system like the ease of scheduling, reporting mechanism, and data management, the ability to do all this in real-time is reigns supreme. A real-time guard tour system can work wonders to accelerate your business growth by addressing accountability issues and improving the quality of offered services. After all, a security guard system should be able to make scheduling easier, give you an insight into [...]

What Is A Patrol Guard Tour System And How It Can Help My Business?

 A patrol guard tour system is a software that streamlines communication with the on-site security team, the security control center and the clients. It is the smart way to manage your security operations that allows the security manager to track the security guards on patrols to ensure compliance with scheduled patrols. With features like GPS tracking and online report submission using the smartphones, it tackles accountability and data management issues. A guard tour system like Guardso can be managed [...]

Things Your Competitors Can Teach You About Client Retention Strategies (Part: 2/2)

In the previous blog, we discussed a few points how a real-time guard tour system can bring efficiency into your security company management and provide the base for building the client retention strategies. Let us further explore the ways to do it: Building Trust And Adding Personal Touches: The clients are the same in every industry, they appreciate when the company goes the extra mile to add personal touches to the service. But don’t go overboard or it may appear [...]

Things Your Competitors Can Teach You About Client Retention Strategies (Part:1/2)

The level of competition is at an all-time high. As important it is to gain new clients, it is equally crucial to creating client retention strategies to be able to conquer and win over the market in the long run. Instating a real-time guard tour system will bring efficiency and effectiveness to your security company management. This will serve as a foundation for your strategies for gaining and retaining customers. Well, it is sort of impossible to talk about it [...]

GPS Tour Monitoring System: Why Do You Need One?

If you aim to provide better services to your customers and ease the way you manage your security operations, installing a security patrol solution is not enough. Your security guard patrol app should be equipped with GPS Tour Monitoring System. This additional feature can do wonders to enhance reliability, increase efficiency and improve safety level as a whole. A GPS Tour System allows you to manage security guards at the remote site to ensure they are following patrol schedules and [...]

By |February 14, 2018|Categories: Guard Tour Features|Tags: , |9 Comments

Top 10 Areas That Require Security Guard Training

As the competition grows serious, every security company is pushing its limits to provide the best security services. Among all other factors, one element that remains overlooked is adequate security guard training. This is one of the easiest and effectual methods to optimise your security operations. The services provided by a trained guard could mean the difference between generating more business based on uber class performance or bruising your reputation. For starters, go through the list of things your guards [...]

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