Blog | Security Guard Management System | GuardsPro2024-07-02T12:49:15+00:00

Master The Fundamental Ways Of Tweaking Your Security Guard Patrol

Millions of security guard patrols are executed every single day. But, what makes every single one of them successful is what lies behind it, a security guard patrol system. From security guard reports to security guard tracking, they’re all an essential part of it. So, the best way to master the fundamental ways of tweaking security guard patrol lies in the system itself. Are ready to know how? 1. Persistently Reviewing The Security Guard Patrol System The first and the [...]

How To Deal With Demanding Clients Using Active Guard Patrol System

As the competition gets tough and the struggle to retain clients for longer periods of time intensifies, a major burden falls on the quality of customer service your private patrol firm is providing. Often the security guards find themselves at the helm of customer service on site when dealing directly with them is certain. Not more than often, security guards may encounter clients that are difficult. The way the guard handles these clients is enough to create or break the [...]

A Comprehensive Guide To Crime Scene Management For Security Guards

Security guards stand tall against any possible incident on site but sooner or later a guard may find himself as a first responder to a crime scene. And therefore his response may alter the course the case may take in the further investigations. However important it may seem, this aspect of guard training is often ignored or even if it is included in the training program, there are high chances that it is given the least importance. But the rule [...]

New Trends In Security Guard Scheduling That Are Here To Stay

Running a private patrol company involves a multitude of tasks. Among them, security guard scheduling is the one which can either break or make your business. The struggle is real, and we completely understand that. But the advanced technology that’s available now has simplified the scheduling process in many ways. Hence, long gone are the days when on-call scheduling was the only way. Now, all that matters is how smartly you utilize the technology to your advantage. All it requires [...]

Manage Dispatch Call Perfectly With Guardso Dispatch Center In 3 Steps

Let us take a moment to think about how we struggle with so many dispatch calls pouring in a guard tour dispatch center. It is tedious not only to make sure that you respond to all of them but also to check that they are registered, assigned to guards and the status is updated. Now, what if I say Guardso Dispatch Center can take all this chaos away and put in place a system that lets you centralize and connect [...]

3 Myths About Performance Reviews Security Guard Should Not Be Afraid Of

Performance reviews irrespective of the size of an organization are said to be one of the most essential communication tools. It’s beneficial not only for the employees but also the employer to recognize quality performance as well as to set expectations for future job performance. In such scenarios, a security patrol system plays a vital role in making all the relevant information available round the clock. The problem arises when security guards instead of anticipating the process begin to fear [...]

Yes, Guardso 3.0 Was Good But Guardso 4.0 Will Be Even Better.

At Guardso we believe that life is all about growing and improving things for the better. We released Guardso 3.0 back in April and now we are working on Guardso 4.0 to surpass our own set standards by making Guardso even better because there is always room for improvement. We appreciate and take note of the feedback and suggestions you send in through emails, intercom, and user feedback. After careful consideration of what our users expect from Guardso, we decided [...]

By |June 11, 2018|Categories: GuardsPro Updates|Tags: , , |5 Comments

Security Guard Tracking System: What Is Geofencing, Really?

A GPS security guard tracking system is one of the most fundamental components of a security patrol system.  After all, it helps to track the exact position of security guards remotely. When combined with the more advanced feature -Geofencing, not only does it enhance reliability & efficiency, but also improves safety level as a whole. So, the question arises, what is this feature of a security guard tracking system? What are Geofences? What is Geofencing? What Is GeoFence, Really? A [...]

5 Amazing Ways For A Private Patrol Company To Wow Their Clients

All businesses work their best to gain clients, but for the small business owners, the journey to an actual paying client often tends to be a tough one. But, what’s tougher with so much competition in the industry for a private patrol company is client loyalty. So, when the competition goes knocking on your client’s doors, how will you make sure your clients stay your clients? In such scenarios, it all goes beyond just caring for your clients - smart [...]

4 Security Guard Training Issues That Scare You, How Guard Tour System Can Help

Security guards have one of the toughest jobs but are often portrayed as lazy, not smart or good enough to be the real police. When every day, they carry the responsibility of crime prevention & to save human lives. It requires a great deal of experience and training to be ready for modern challenges. But, training becomes a great inconvenience for most security companies. A guard tour system plays a vital role in such scenarios, tackling issues that are often [...]

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