Blog | Security Guard Management System | GuardsPro2024-07-02T12:49:15+00:00

How To Write Perfect Security Guard Incident Reports Every Time?

Security guard incident reports serve as one of the most vital documentations in the security industry. Reason being, they are effective in smoothly providing detailed write-ups and accurate reports of events not just to the management but also to the clients. Therefore, they are automatically considered as an essential part of every security guard’s job. But, are you sure you’re delivering the best of security guard incident reports? To ensure you write the perfect security guard incident report every time, [...]

Benefits A Security Guard Company Can Reap From A Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy

In this modern era, customers expect product or service information to be readily available. They want to interact with businesses in ways that are convenient for them. Then, today, be it yours security guard company or any other in a different industry, using a single channel to achieve the heights of success for a business is no longer practical and sufficient. To tackle the problem of not staying constantly in touch with customers, multi-channel marketing strategies have been seen to [...]

Unique Ways To Include Security Patrol Solution In Security Guard Training Courses

Every security guard’s main objective whether using a security patrol solution or not is to eventually protect people, place, property or assets. In order to do that, security guards, first of all, must be made aware of the basic training requirements, which often vary according to employers policies and what the guards will be guarding. Reason being, a security guard of one area certainly cannot work in another, unless he is professionally trained to do so. Due to such diversity [...]

How To Use A Security Guard Patrol System To Improve Your Customer Experience Strategy​

Customers are the ultimate judge of the quality of service you provide, be it in any industry. But did you ever stop for a moment to wonder, how exactly are those conclusions drawn? Don’t be surprised if we tell you, it’s all about the experience you, your management, your security guard patrol system as well as the security guards have provided them right from the first point of contact. Companies today have realized this fact and are therefore using customer [...]

Evolving Security Patrol Software Calls For Evolving Duties Of Security Managers

The security managers in private patrol companies whether it’s big or small, have a significant role to play. They are often seen as someone only responsible for hiring new members for the staff and delegating task & duties to them. But is that really it? Definitely not, especially when nowadays a security patrol software is being used for making the security operations highly integrated, and more streamlined. The constantly evolving security patrol software is dramatically reshaping company functions. It is [...]

The Importance Of Staying Hydrated Every Guard On Patrol Should Know

Water is one of the most essential substances on planet earth that covers about 71 percent of its surface. As for the human beings, it accounts for 60 percent of our body and is of utmost importance to every cell. Therefore, each day humans are required to consume a certain amount of water to survive. But do you? After all, the job of every guard on patrol is such that it requires moving around a lot. This increases the need [...]

How Can Data From A Security Guard Software Help Close More Deals?

Sales experts around the world are always on the move, taking actions every hour of every day. Despite that, it’s rare to see someone sell something straight away. Often, it involves a long process from creating leads at first to forming a relationship at last. In the security industry, this process includes sharing relevant data using security guard software to turn the tables while closing important deals. The question arises, why so much significance is given to this particular step. [...]

Time Clock System Trends To Make The Most Of In 2018

Time is the greatest asset of all in this world. You can lose all your money or even your business and still manage to get it back. But, time is irretrievable. It is one of the reasons why being in a security industry you have to be cautious while managing and tracking your workforce’s time using an efficient time clock system. Despite that, organizations face a tough challenge in getting the employees to complete timesheets and track their time. But, [...]

By |July 30, 2018|Categories: Industry Trends|Tags: , , |4 Comments

The 2-Step Guide To Adding Post Site In Guardso Guard Tour Software

Guardso, the robust security guard tour patrol system is known to streamline security operations unlike any other. What makes it possible is, its easy to use independent modules, integrated to work together for providing results that are sure to blow anyone’s mind away. With that in mind, here we are today to answer another interesting question regarding guard tour software. How Are Post Sites Added In Guardso Guard Tour Software? Well, the answer to this question is rather simple than [...]

By |July 26, 2018|Categories: Guard Tour Features|Tags: , , |4 Comments

Important Factors For Security Patrol Companies To Investigate Bad Customer Service

Customer service, in today’s competitive market, is an essential factor in nurturing customer loyalty. Everyone’s aware of how a single interaction between the customer and the company is capable of making or breaking their relationship? Yet, a lot of security patrol companies do not begin to acknowledge, monitor, measure or manage the process until it gets too late. Unlike others, if you are struggling with bad customer service despite all your efforts, consider investigating the following factors to help bring [...]

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