Sales & Marketing

How Can Data From A Security Guard Software Help Close More Deals?

Sales experts around the world are always on the move, taking actions every hour of every day. Despite that, it’s rare to see someone sell something straight away. Often, it involves a long process from creating leads at first to forming a relationship at last. In the security industry, this process includes sharing relevant data using security guard software to turn the tables while closing important deals. The question arises, why so much significance is given to this particular step. It’s because clients, especially the one’s on tight budget want [...]

By |2020-06-24T09:25:25+00:00August 3, 2018|Sales & Marketing|

Can A Guard Management System Play A Critical Role In Your Sales Development Strategies?

Every private patrol company's ultimate desire is to multiply its profit by numerous folds. You desire the same, don't you? In that case, sales development strategies play a vital role. But to continuously grow and prosper nothing can be done without what lies at the heart & soul of the company, in this case, which happens to be a guard management system.  So, how well formulated are your sales development strategies in accordance with your guard management system? Can a guard management system actually play a critical role in the [...]

By |2019-04-15T04:05:30+00:00June 27, 2018|Sales & Marketing|

Grow Your Private Patrol Company: 3 Hacks That Work

The security industry has become an integral part of our society, especially in a period such as now - when the crime has taken to an all-time high. Therefore, the global security services market is currently blooming with new opportunities for growth. Providing the perfect conditions for the growth of your private patrol company to greater heights. It may seem like an easy task to accomplish, but before you begin, you should know how to go about it. To compete effectively, you should know all about the growth strategies to [...]

By |2018-08-17T03:39:36+00:00May 30, 2018|Sales & Marketing|

Things Your Competitors Can Teach You About Client Retention Strategies (Part: 2/2)

In the previous blog, we discussed a few points how a real-time guard tour system can bring efficiency into your security company management and provide the base for building the client retention strategies. Let us further explore the ways to do it: Building Trust And Adding Personal Touches: The clients are the same in every industry, they appreciate when the company goes the extra mile to add personal touches to the service. But don’t go overboard or it may appear unprofessional. As per a survey the companies that invested in [...]

By |2018-04-13T11:03:13+00:00March 6, 2018|Sales & Marketing|

Things Your Competitors Can Teach You About Client Retention Strategies (Part:1/2)

The level of competition is at an all-time high. As important it is to gain new clients, it is equally crucial to creating client retention strategies to be able to conquer and win over the market in the long run. Instating a real-time guard tour system will bring efficiency and effectiveness to your security company management. This will serve as a foundation for your strategies for gaining and retaining customers. Well, it is sort of impossible to talk about it all in a single post if we are to understand [...]

By |2018-04-13T11:04:17+00:00February 26, 2018|Sales & Marketing|

Metrics That Enhance Your Reputation As Security Guard Company

As a market player, it is implicit that you understand that the growth of your business is directly related to your brand value. And a great brand comes from building a good reputation. A good reputation is an asset that does not reflect on your balance sheet but boosts the value of every asset listed in the account book. Apart from the quantitative criteria used to measure business results and growth, you need to define some metrics you can use to measure and enhance your reputation as a security guard [...]

By |2018-04-13T11:15:12+00:00February 2, 2018|Sales & Marketing|

What Are The Most Common Questions That A Company Asked Before They Hire Security Companies?

The process of hiring security can be one of the most sensitive for any organization or individual. As a result, the clients are generally very particular about the things they look for before they can hire security companies. Guardso offers security patrol solutions to such companies by designing security guard management systems that help to improve the services offered to clients. Here are three of the most common questions that private patrol companies tend to ask before they can hire a security guard or company. What Is Your Experience? Any [...]

By |2018-04-13T11:30:03+00:00January 10, 2018|Sales & Marketing|

5 Things To Avoid When Making A Sales Pitch To Private Security Patrol Client

The security service industry is very competitive and crowded. Therefore, it is important to sell your product as flawlessly as possible. One little mistake could send your private security patrol client running. These errors are avoidable and will save you a great deal. Security patrolling systems, our security products that improve your business security patrol systems, creating a safer environment. But with all the security patrolling systems in the market, what makes Guardso stand out? Before getting into that, first look at what Guardso actually does. Here is a list of mistakes [...]

By |2018-04-13T12:12:33+00:00August 14, 2017|Sales & Marketing|

How Important is Networking for Your Private Security Business?

At one point or another, you'll hear people telling you to start networking, especially if you’re in charge of a private security business. Whether your business is online or in a given location, networking plays a part in its success. Here is a little bit about the importance of networking in starting and running your business. Networking is a Great Way to Get New Clients When you go to a social business mixer, you meet many people, many of them your potential client. You get a chance to talk to [...]

By |2018-04-13T12:15:56+00:00August 4, 2017|Sales & Marketing|

10 things no one told you about selling security guard services.

In tоdау’ѕ mаrkеt, companies that hire security guard companies to offer extra security for their business аrе оftеn not іnfоrmеd about thе security guard company and its ѕеrvісеѕ . One of the most important factor in selling security services to really listen to the concerns of a company which is trying to hire the security company. Rаthеr than directly selling tо a buуеr, a salesperson’s rеаl job іѕ tо hеlр the buyer fіnd ѕоlutіоnѕ tо ѕоmе nееd that hаѕ gone unfulfilled. Thе kеу tо dоіng thіѕ іѕ bу pay attention [...]

By |2018-04-13T12:26:45+00:00July 21, 2017|Sales & Marketing|

5 Reasons Why Businesses Contract Private Security Companies.

The rare use of Private Security Companies in businesses Anybody whose business premises have been broken into or vandalized will be the first to tell you to contract private security companies first. Everybody wants to work or get their services from a place that they know they are safe. Business owners realize the importance of hiring tip-top security personnel to keep their premises, customers, and even employees safe. When a company is looking for a security guard firm to hire, they can either hire from outside (contract private security companies) or [...]

By |2018-04-13T12:32:22+00:00July 17, 2017|Sales & Marketing|

How to Choose the Right Customers for Best Security Guard Companies and Keep Them

How to Select the Best Security Guard Companies to Work When it comes to best security guard companies, it’s the same thing. Customers not only pick security companies, but security guard firms also pick their customers. Since you'll be working with your customer on a daily or regular basis, you need to pick the right ones to work with. The choice of a customer could make or break your security company, especially if it’s a new one. Choosing the Right Customer For Best Security Companies In the security guard company [...]

By |2018-04-13T12:35:12+00:00July 10, 2017|Sales & Marketing|
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