A business is as good as its customer base. But the mere task of retaining the present clients and guiding the new ones to your security business can be an uphill battle for a lot of security guard companies.
Among all the possible methods a private security company can employ to create a customer base, the most effective is branding your security guard company. Although it is a long-term process and many private patrol companies may feel dejected in the process, but the effects and benefits are equally long lasting and fruitful.
So here are the six secrets of branding your security guard company that will help you create a niche for your business and maintain a positive growth chart:
1. Keep An Eye On The Competitors:
Business intelligence calls for testing the waters before you jump into creating marketing strategies for your private patrol company. The very first step is getting to know your competitors. Now all you have to do is skin-deep research into how they market- their social media presence, their website, the technology they are using- specifically the security guard management system and the customer reviews on various platforms.
When you have an idea of what strategies your competitors are using, map out a plan as to which one of them you can adapt along with the new strategies you need to develop.
2. Build A Cohesive Brand:
After you have an idea of the direction you are going in, the next step is to build an online presence. You will agree that all clients first google your security guard company before making a decision of utilizing your services, and this is why you need a website. List everything you want your customer to know, but you would not want to clutter your website. Similarly, a logo helps your clients identify your security guard company.
There are plenty of service providers that can help you accomplish this task, one of them being ExpressBizSite they are well known for the quality they deliver.
3. Encash On The Power Of Social Media:
Social media is a powerful tool which not only makes it easier for private security companies to reach out to their clients but also built a rapport. Turn to Twitter, Facebook or any other platform of your choice and share things that matter to you as a security guard company. It is a good way to keep the clients informed about your achievements, the technology -specifically the security guard management system you use and how well your guards are performing on patrols without spamming them with self-loathing emails.
4. Don’t Hesitate To Seek Help:
While it is fairly easy to incorporate all of the above-mentioned points into your branding strategy, you might sense when you have hit a wall. Do not hesitate to seek the help of professionals to handle your security guard company’s branding campaigns. Go online and search for digital marketing companies and let them take over till you think you are out of the woods.
5. Pay Attention To Your Uniform And Gadgets:
While it may seem that the online branding campaign is working well for you, but it may all fall apart if the equipment, gadgets and the security guard management system you are using do not live up to the expectations of the clients and fail to deliver the quality of services you promised.
Always make sure your security guards are uniformed appropriately and equipped with the best gadgets. Also, you must sign up for a security guard management system that works on all mobiles and tablets. This will elevate your security guards’ efficiency and convert your clients to long-term contracts.
6. Train Your Guards In Client Communication:
As important as it is to build an online rapport with the clients, it is equally crucial that your guards are provided adequate training to efficiently handle client communication on site. They are your brand ambassadors because they directly communicate with your client every day on site and affect your brand image.
Also, the guards must always have access to company policy while on patrol. Guardso mobile app makes it possible for the guards to always have the company policy handy. It will minimize the chances of them deflecting from the policy and help them deliver the services as promised.
In addition to this, Guardso’s client portal lets the clients access site-specific reports, which keeps them informed about the on-site performance and reaffirms the rapport shared by your security guard company with the clients.
Building a brand for your security guard company is a sum total of all the above-mentioned efforts. If sometimes the results do not turn out as expected, you should continue to fine-tune your strategies through trial and error.
What other strategies do you use to build a brand for your security guard company? Do share with us.