private patrol

4 De-Escalation Techniques Every Guard On A Private Patrol Needs To Know

The job of private patrol guards is to merely observe, report through security guard reports, and call the police if a crime occurs in their presence. The last thing they should do while encountering a non-compliant or violent subject is to apply an objectively reasonable level of force to stabilize the situation. Though even when the law varies from state-to-state, the only time it can be justified anywhere is while making a citizen's arrest. Which is why not only the private patrol guards need to understand why they must know [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:22:10+00:00July 18, 2019|Security Guard Training|

How To Market Your Security Guard Company On A Budget?

Are there not enough people aware of your security guard company yet? Despite providing the most responsive service using the best guard tour system, and the security guards in the industry, the clients still don’t know you? Well, the security guard industry is extremely competitive and cutting through the noise to reach the clients requires well thought out marketing strategies. There are multiple strategies that help you carve a niche for your security guard company within your budgetary constraints. If you are now ready, let’s have a look at the [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:39:18+00:00January 30, 2019|Sales & Marketing|

How To Regain Customer Trust To Revive Your Private Patrol Business?

Loyal customers are the reasons why businesses thrive. Losing them can turn into a costly affair. But, keeping them is also not an easy task. It requires consistently meeting and exceeding customer expectations. But, in a private patrol business, what’s even tougher is regaining the trust of a loyal customer. Don’t let the situation get to that point where you have to find ways to make it alright. Initially work to reduce as well as eliminate dissatisfaction among your customers. Learn, how to wow them. But, if you ever find [...]

By |2020-06-24T08:49:54+00:00October 27, 2018|Customer Service|
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