guard tour reports

Things No One Will Tell You To Become A Successful Private Patrol Guard

Being a private patrol guard is a job of honor that requires you to acquire a unique and refined set of skills to handle any situation. For that, every private patrol guard must strive to accomplish it and it’s not an easy thing to do. The reason being, after attaining the guard card, what you do next determines the path of your career. Here are simple yet effective ways that will ensure in the long term, you keep growing and enhancing your skills. Maintain Physical Fitness The job of a private [...]

By |2020-05-15T12:22:24+00:00May 15, 2020|Latest Articles, Security Guard Training|

Leverage Guard Tour Reporting Software To Create Reports That Matter

Guard tour reports shared by security guards today are one of the most critical aspects of every security operation. But for the guards to report effectively from a client site in real-time, equipping them with the right guard tour reporting software has become mandatory. The reason being, it will allow you to receive complete, accurate, and actionable reports every single time. Isn’t that what you & your clients expect? Modern guard tour reporting software as that of Guardso guard patrol system is making it easier than ever to report seamlessly. [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:06:51+00:00December 13, 2019|Guard Tour Features|

Predictive Methods For A Security Patrol Officer To Identify Aggressive Behavior

Dealing with aggressive behavior is a part of every security patrol officer’s job and there is no denying this fact. Which is why it becomes more than essential for every security patrol officer to be able to identify physical & behavioral changes in people displaying aggression. This can, after all, be helpful in preventing or reducing violent events from happening significantly. Every security patrol officer, in that case, should be aware of different approaches to effectively handle people aggressive behavior to protect themselves and other people. Before we briefly take [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:16:34+00:00October 3, 2019|Security Guard Training|

Guard Tour Client Portal: An Effective Way To Enhance Customer Service

A guard tour client portal integrated into your guard tour system can be one of the best features available for you to enhance customer service in a foolproof way. Don’t believe us? Today, that’s what we are here to talk about briefly. To help you understand how a guard tour client portal is the key to a lot of your customer service troubles and also a great way to impress your first-time security service buyer. So, without much ado let’s get started, shall we? 1. Improved Reliability Granting access to [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:35:45+00:00May 2, 2019|Customer Service|
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