gps tour system

GPS Tour Monitoring System: Why Your Guard Tour App Should Have One?

If you aim to provide better security services to your customers and ease the way you manage your security operations, installing a security patrol solution is not enough. Your security guard patrol app should be equipped with GPS Tour Monitoring System. This additional feature can do wonders to enhance reliability, increase efficiency, and improve safety level as a whole. A GPS Tour System allows you to manage security guards at the remote site to ensure they are following patrol schedules and are safe. In case you are looking to install [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:27:45+00:00June 26, 2019|Guard Tour Features|

How To Regain Customer Trust To Revive Your Private Patrol Business?

Loyal customers are the reasons why businesses thrive. Losing them can turn into a costly affair. But, keeping them is also not an easy task. It requires consistently meeting and exceeding customer expectations. But, in a private patrol business, what’s even tougher is regaining the trust of a loyal customer. Don’t let the situation get to that point where you have to find ways to make it alright. Initially work to reduce as well as eliminate dissatisfaction among your customers. Learn, how to wow them. But, if you ever find [...]

By |2020-06-24T08:49:54+00:00October 27, 2018|Customer Service|

Using Battery Bank To Prevent Smartphone Dying On Your Security Guard

Being a security guard means your every movement on-site is going to be tracked. Back in the days’ supervisors used to play that part. But, nowadays when every security guard can’t be tracked or monitored using the traditional way, it’s done with the help of technology using GPS tour system. It’s nothing more but a security guard tracking software that makes use of a smartphone to track down every step of a security guard. This technology undoubtedly has revolutionized the security industry, but it has its own implications. A common [...]

By |2018-08-17T03:57:15+00:00July 9, 2018|Security Guard Management|

A Field Guide For Security Guards Using Guardso Security Guard System

The job of a security guard is not as simple as it may seem. He needs to respond to the incidents on-site ensuring the safety of people while accomplishing a variety of tasks at hand. Managing it all together is a challenge that even an experienced security guard faces. But, it becomes a lot less intense when the help of a security guard system is taken. The only trick here is to know how a security guard system can help? So, just for you here’s a small field guide to [...]

By |2018-08-16T05:55:07+00:00June 29, 2018|Guard Safety And Wellbeing|
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