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Legal Limitations Every Private Security Guard Should Be Aware Of

A private security guard performs a lot of activities similar to that of a police officer. You might already be aware of that, aren’t you? Well, often, that’s where the trouble begins. People begin to believe a private security guard has the same rights and obligations as that of a police officer, but that’s not the case at all. He may be in a uniform but is not a public servant. He operates as a private citizen with legal limitations to arrest, investigate, defend himself and others, and also to [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:11:19+00:00November 13, 2019|Guard Safety And Wellbeing|

Do Your Private Patrol Guards Know About These Workplace Hazards?

The job of private patrol guards is such that they need to ensure the safety of the property and the people residing or working there. But, in order to do that, they often have to work in dangerous environments that can affect their own well-being in the process. However, to take preventive measures, they need to be aware of what workplace hazards they can encounter on various post-sites. Are your private patrol guards aware of them? If not, given below are the top 4 categories of workplace hazards they need [...]

By |2023-03-09T15:17:08+00:00April 1, 2019|Guard Safety And Wellbeing|

Legal Limitations Every Private Security Guard Needs To Be Aware of

A private security guard performs a lot of activities similar to that of a police officer. You might already be aware of that, aren’t you? Well, often that’s where the trouble begins. People begin to believe a private security guard has the same rights and obligations as that of a police officer when that’s not the truth. He may be in uniform but is not a public servant. He operates as a private citizen with legal limitations to arrest, to investigate, to defend himself and others, and also to carry [...]

By |2020-05-27T05:38:55+00:00January 23, 2019|Guard Safety And Wellbeing|
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